Beatdowns you wish you could have back

I would consider all of those players expert level.

Oh shit, someone got called out!

I think its silly that as good as guile is, he has this awesome anti air flash kick, there is just no justification for that!

I am glad you are not part of hd remix balance.

guiles flash isnt block safe, guile isnt a top tier character.

why does sim’s drill need to be block safe? lower tier chracters like cammy I understand

I’m also glad you are not part of hd remix balance.

You are just unhappy about guile bad matchups, I am not going to get into this with you.

There were no dhalsims in evo top 8, same with guile. Both are fine imo.

Uhh…it’s not half of the time. Guile is really good and does just fine against Sim in HDR. If you were talking about ST, you’d have a leg to stand on…but you’re not.

Calm Down, It wasnt an issue to do with guile v dhalsim, it was just a general comment about sims drill being block safe and why does a top tier character who already has several potent advantages also need block safe moves. Its just my opinion that the drill should be fully punishiable like other blocked special moves (dragons, flash kicks etc). For lower tier characters I can see the justification but for a character as good as Sim I cant.

If I’m wrong then please enlighten me, I dont mind being corrected.

Calm down? I didn’t think I was getting too excited…

Anway, people like to pretend that the tiers for this game are the same as ST and are as far apart as ST. But they’re not. IMHO, Sim is NOT top tier in this game and Cammy is NOT by far the worst character in the game. The tiers are pretty close in this game. Lots of moves are safe IF they are done at the right spacing/timing.

Half of the time like SJV said it isn’t safe. You really need to space it correctly, and even then, the drill is really easy to counter. Hell you can jab Dhalsim out of it.

Considering how Guile’s FK practically almost everything, I’d say its fair that its unsafe most of the time. If it was totally safe, there would be no point in safe jumping Guile (and certain characters need to do that to win against him.)

Ok…now you’re just whining. How many threads have to hear you complaining about your inability to use moves that work great for everyone else while you also complain about moves that most people know how to stop because they use all of their buttons?

The bottom line is that you still have more to learn about the intricacies of Guile. This is generally what happens when you start out relying on turtling to win. You short-change yourself. Defense is a good thing to know, but offense is a good thing to know, too. When you use both of them in balance, you find out that Guile is still as deadly as ever.

So, if I were you, I’d adapt the mentality I have whenever I play the old Capcom side-scrolling beat-'em-ups that allow you to do special moves (and, therefore, massive combos)…

It can’t knock you out if you knock it out first.

dude wtf are you talking about. Did you even read what I typed. I said it has nothing to do with gule V dhalsim. I said I was questioning the justfication for a character as good as dhaslsim having block safe moves…How is that whining??? I even said If I was wrong then present with an explanation of why Im wrong. I wasnt questioning how easy it was to counter the drill I was only questioning its block safe property. I enjoy reading your posts OJ and find them very informing in some instances, but in this instance you are totally off target

And as for turtling, dude, you’ve never played me so you dont know if All I do is turtle. Turtle is a strategy that I exploit only if I deem as the best option, If I deem that being offensive is the best option then I will adopt an offensive play style. Playing a long range defensive game has gotten me 70% of my wins, so most of the time it has been the correct tactical decision to employ, but majority of my rage quits come from people who I’ve confused with sonic boom mixups. And you dont know how long I’ve been play SF, so you are wrong to say I started out relying on turtling to win…how do you know…where you with me when I 1st started using guile???

theres always things to learn, but, no offense, I reckon I could beat you with my guile vs you chosing any character from the cast. I just get the feeling that in reality you are not that good at this game (hdr). I’ve never read of anybody saying you’re good with any character Of course I could be wrong, but I think your forum skills dont translate well into in-game wins. Post your stats and show us you win/loss record and rank…you do play hdr dont you??? hmmmmm

but there’s only 1 way to find out, so are you up for a lil friendly challenge???

just incase you are curious here so examples of me applying offensive pressure with guile inducing rage quittng:


My apologies to everyone on this thread for what I’m about to say, as it has nothing to do with the title of the thread…at all.

Listen…I’ve already said that I’m not subscribed to XBox Live, so challenging me is pointless. (If I was, don’t you think I would’ve played you a LOOOOOOOONG time ago? Answer: Yes.)

All I’m saying is…how many threads do you have to complain about an already solid character in? How many low-risk suggestions are you going to make in changing him? How many times are those of us who have heard your suggestions going to have to explain to you why those suggestions would make Guile too good and what to do instead? It’s just not necessary.

Then add to that the totally irrelevant thread that you started on the forum about negative rep and I’m like…do you understand what posting is about?

Now, I’m really not trying to be condescending and if I’m coming across that way, I’m sorry. Can you understand my frustration, though? Can you see where I’m coming from? As a long time poster and contibuter to the fighting game scene in general, it’s just frustrating to see someone use a resource so absolutely wonderful for those of us who like knowing the intricacies of these games to just drag it down with stuff that we’re really not better off for reading.

Now, I also think it’s a good thing that I’m not a premium member or a mod and don’t have the power that comes with that because I’d move too easily to neg rep or ban some people. Still, I have to think that I’m not alone in this sentiment…'cause it takes A LOT for me to get this frustrated.

I now return the rest of you to this thread. Sorry you had to read this.

Ok, OJ like I said no offense, I highly regard your posts, you technical knowldge of the game is far superior to mine, Your faqs are amazing, but you just made several assumptions and comments that were not based on facts. All I said was that I didnt see the justification for sims drill being block safe when he already has enough potent advantages in most of his matchups

As for making suggestions about the game, isnt this what the forum is for…to discuss all aspects of hdr and to debate the pro’s and cons. Whats wrong with making suggestions??

if everybody agreed on everything, or nobody had questions to ask them this forum would soon wither away.

can you see my point? perhaps you cant cos you already you would neg rep me for making comments, suggestions and asking questions

If I may, this particular thread was meant to discuss (dramatic) losses we had incurred and what we learned from them and how we improved as a part of that process… but eh, whatever.

I have to agree with you that the tiers are very tight in this game. However, there still has to be someone in last place and unfortunately for the Cammy fans out there like me, I think that spot still belongs to her. She really doesn’t have any matches in her favor and in fact over half of the cast I’d say she’s 4-6, in their favor. I do think that it’s much easier to squeeze out wins with her in this game thanks to her easier hooligan and safe drills though.

Dhalsim’s Drills SHOULD be safe on block cuz they’re not Special Attacks. Drills are Command Normals, like Ryu’s Rushing Fierce or Guile’s Overhead, meaning they don’t do block damage and cannot be used as Reversal Attacks. And all Command Normals are safe on block (except for Zangief’s Fierce Hop and Guile’s Knee Hop).

She had a pretty good advantage against Hawk.

I appreciate that you didn’t take offense to my post. So…alright, let’s deal with my alleged assumptions ('cause I don’t see them as assumptions).

And, by the way, if you treat Dhalsim’s drills like jumping attacks (because that’s basically what they are), they are not safe on block if they hit you too high on your body. The only reason Dhalsim is getting safe drills on you is because his spacing and timing is on point. Furthermore, you’re not hitting him out of it. So, if you can’t sit there and block something and then punish it, you have to start reacting more quickly or anticipating. Dhalsim’s Drills are hardly a low-risk move…and a last second Flash Kick, in your case, will easily knock him down out of that.

I guess the reason why your comment frustrated me is because I’ve known this since SF2: The World Warrior and even when Dhalsim’s Yoga Drills were changed so that he could do them at any point during his jump (CE, right? Help me somebody.), they still weren’t what made Dhalsim’s overall game nasty. (I will say, though, that being able to Yoga Drill a Hadouken from Ryu on reaction is quite handy!)

Nothing…as long as your suggestions aren’t just thrown out there without any depth of thought (which isn’t so bad because I’ve been guilty of that, too) and, much more importantly, you don’t keep posting them in every thread imaginable. All I’m saying is…you had your say and a few notable people, including reputable Guile mains, all told you exactly why your suggestions aren’t necessary. Leave it there. That’s all I’m saying.

  1. You’re stating the obvious.
  2. I never said I don’t value the opinions of others. What I’m saying is that there’s a way to share those opinions. (For more info, read “New to the forum? START HERE!!!”. That thread alone should make you read point #1 again.)

Now who’s doing the assuming? I can easily point you to any number of newsgroup archives, mailing list archives, and FAQs to tell you that, as I just said, I appreciate what other people have to say and I am very objective when it comes to reading posts. Many people will vouch for me and put your assumption to shame.

So, my bottom line is…if you’re going to post, proof-read your post and then think about it some more before you hit “Submit Reply”. Really ask yourself if what you’re posting is going to contribute to the overall welfare of the forum. If you can’t say that it will…don’t post it. Otherwise, post it…and don’t take it personally when someone disagrees with you. And when I say “you”, I mean myself, as well.

This is officially my last post on the matter 'cause I’m really not trying to be about hijacking a thread just to defend myself publicly.

I dunno I’d say they’re 5-5. Both can really only do damage when they’re in close range to each other. If she does have an advantage, it’s not by much. Maybe 5.15 to 4.85 haha

Hmm, you remember how many games you had with someone 2 months ago?
…and that was months ago. You should come back. People have gotten a lot better since then.

Thas what i meant. I dont consider people that trade matches with me to be experts. People like Gram, and Dj can beat me with no trade off.