Bayside area players ? ABCPO ( Antioch,Brentwood,Concord,Pittsburg and Oakley )

That seems like a good start to me. Those games should bring in a lot of players.

Im in Antioch and also lookin to play some locals… i constantly have people over for BBQ’s and we’re always gettin down on SSF4,Smash bros brawl,and MVC2. so if you locals are down… send me a message ill put a nice BBQ together…

If you’re looking for venues, there’s Fuddrucker’s second floor in Concord. My friend holds Melee tournaments there pretty frequently, and I could talk to him about maybe collaborating with more games. I do think this area needs a lot more activity.

Gensou yeah ima use big games for now which will eventually let us run like 3s MVC2 and like CVS2

Mr hibiki. AIm me on that and or send me a message we could work bi weeklys and event.

Digitil When we get to bigger events ill try places like that. but i wanna try amore local tourney scene first.

if you ever sign on to your account we’ll talk lol

I dont sign on to xboxlive as much cause the way y stuff i set up is like the xbox doesnt have a long enough chord to get the ethernet to it. which part of yoch town you from?

i know the contra contra fairgrounds is a good spot a big smash tournry was held there so im thinking about hosting an event it just depends on how much it cost to have the spot for the weekend what do you guys think.(and i would like this to be for all fighting games)

Im down just need a time date and location, ALSO BTW who from they BAY area is going to EVO,? I am so lemme know who.