Battle Fantasia Thread

man I never find people to play in this game

Lookin forward to getting smashed into the floor when you can afford it again:) I had a Walmart “closure” (it moved) by me for my last live subscription, hence I got a year of live for half price… and then the year before that, I for old live cards on clearance prices for something around 12/24 dollars… hope you can find some deals when the time comes!

Watson: 5A 5B 2C -jump- 5C to go for level up / 5D 2B then 214CorD or another 5D or 236CorD / 236236AorC

The first time I saw those moves, I just stared there, thinking “Wow… I didn’t know it was THIS much like Guilty Gear!” Crazy aerial raves just surprised me.

Late Evenings/late night Eastern Time has decent activity. Since the controller vibrates when someone enters Ranked, it’s easy to just leave the game waiting for someone to join, and do something else while you wait for someone to join…

I’ve been playing one player trying to figure out whats going on. So far though I really like this game I’ve never played Guilty Gear and don’t play much 2D so the first person I play online is going to smash me. Do you guys usually play at a certain time?

Oi, I can’t stand those numbers, but I get what you’re saying =)

i’ll be on tonight around midnight central time

what’s ur gamer tag buk?

my name is lenin and i just got internet, If I can get enough money to buy this and a years subscription for live you can expect me on as datdander when ever I do happen to get it.

LETS DO DIS. can you play the arcade version on live or is only the console version? I ask because I use ashley and have learned three different ways to start his infinite. hooray!

^ youre going to be a little disappointed…

its for the better =/

I’m usually on in the late morning and afternoon, EST. If you want some games, send me a FR. Almost no one around during the day :frowning:

once i get a better internet ill be on a lot more, for now its just me playin dead space or anything else in single player =/

Cool hopefully I get out of work early today.

Man Buktooth I tried to stay up late to play last night but I passed out next time.

hey i wanna get some games in with buk!

Maybe tonight Zal if you come by and granted Buk’s playing tonight, either way I’m gonna drink coffee all night tonight to stay up late.

Damn, I wish I wasn’t so poor cause of school >.< Otherwise I’d be online too =(

Cause you don’t have the internet or just the live account?

well i finally got back online

as usual i can only play deathbringer

for some weird reason im doing better now even though i have been playing SF4

buktooth have you played || PiGG || before? i wonder how you guys would do against each other

live account

i’ve played pigg before. he’s definitely one of the most knowledgeable people playing this game

there’s always a few things that prevent us from having a decisive set though:

  1. he’s always playing somebody else lol
  2. the one time we played a long set it was laggy as hell
  3. i play random select always (i don’t have a main character), so he takes that as a cue to mirror match whatever character i get on random. me picking random shouldnt make the other guy honor-bound to random or mirror also; random is my real character

also, a lot of mirror matches in this game are really miserable lol (donvalve, deathbringer, freed especially)

PiGG is a pain to play against, and I mean that in the best way possible! :slight_smile: He’s really forced me to up my game, and think about some of the utterly nasty tricks you can pull with some of the chara’s in this game… His Watson and Coyori are the ones I have really issues with. His Ashley was also a bit issue for me, but I’ve at least gotten better at fighting it with Freed, thanks to your tips, Buktooth!

And LoL, I’m one of those people that feels honor-bound to meet Random players with Random as well… though not so much against someone like you Buk, who seems to have such strong knowledge of the cast.

I like that about the small cast of this game. Every chara seems worth learning, and is fun to play in different ways. Going from Freed to Watson is like shifting from Street Fighter II (very simple combos) to Guilty Gear (crazy multi hit, multi juggle aerial and chaining madness), in terms of combo and juggle potential per hits (not counting hear modes!), and every character seems to have a niche, if you can find it… It feels very good, in that way.