Baton Rouge, La. MVC2 Results 6/28

haha more money for X :smiley:

Hummm… Thats not totally true!! Watch out for Pat X!!
Just dont let your guard down while playing!!! He has alot of tricks!!! But oh well good games!!!

heh but of course…pat has many one trick ponies…but thats all he has is tricks…he better come correct or else history shall repet itself…

Sent the mutant hunter. :evil: :evil:

Lolz, Well you should know what team he plays…Just dont let your guard down on him k!!! I might be taking Side bets on you too!!! lolz It could happen!!!lolzlolz:D :evil:
Well good games between the both of ya…

We’ll see soon enough. Pat does have a few tricks up his sleeve, but Sent gives him problems. He can still hold his own imo. Pat might unleash his sent skills :lol: .