Balrog Thread

actually the reason i use tap is because the match is a slow match for balrog, dhalsim can keep you out pretty good, and the chance of getting an opening is very slim, and when it happens its nice to have a hard hitting move, usually i can spend sometimes 20-30 seconds waiting for an opening.

doesn’t work very well for some reason… i either block or take the hit or trade.

if you cant time the low strong properly, then switch to using rapid standing jabs.

I have a question about the TAP

How the hell do you properly use it I mean, you have to to hold the buttons don’t you? What are you doing when using TAP? Which one is used more frequently, kick or punch version?

Also isn’t a good jump in?

how do you position your fingers for the tap?

it kinda seems hard to hold down 3 buttons while pressing others.

I use the bottom of my fingers (directly above the lower joints) to charge kick TAP and use my fingertips for punch buttons. Place your fingers over the 3 rows so that all 6 buttons are pressed. Now try to lift the top of your fingers while still holding the lower column (kick buttons) in place.

I’m sure this is awkward for some but I’ve done this since HF days and I’m quite used to it now.

yeah i do the same method as the poster above me. Yes it does limit your ability to play, which is why when im being cheaped alot i tend to stop charging tap to have better control of my button presses. I still play well with tap held down and can reverse cheaps etc. I just dont like trying to shake outta noogies with tap held as much but yes it is possible and i do that sometimes if i need to save my tap (down by 75% life) or whatever.

sounds hard. have you considered using macros? haha.

i know you’re joking, but no, in fact me and my bro disabled the PPP and KKK auto assigns recently on our controllers to practice for our trip to japan. Obviously the arcades wont have those functions and thats where we plan on playing.

Graham I watched some evo west videos when you and your brother played, I have a few questions.

I didn’t really see you use Jab’s, alot of fierce’s though. Is jab not that useful for balrog? Especially charge move --> to a fierce (particular to sim or…)

I saw you used st. Fierce against Sim, is that just an opening is genrally safe or just a particular thing against sim?

Is there ever an actual time for a safe jump for rog? Or is it just better to use charge moves to move in closer?

Is there a use for cr. Forward?

and How often do you find yourself not using TAP?

since I can’t get on the ST wiki part of SRK…
I was wondering how the matchup is between Boxer vs. Claw

Anybody knows of a reliable way do to cr. jab x 2 XX super with Rog ? I can’t do it consistently, I think that I need to know how it really works… a technical explanation would really help.

charge down-back, jab jab, towards-back-towards, jab~fierce.

You’re cancelling the ducking jabs into standing jab, but then you kara-cancel the standing jab into super.

Works like a charm, thanks !

im a super noob and was wondering how do people do one charge move after the other it’s amazing how much stuff is in this game. I want to learn so I can destroy the people at my local (well not really) arcade any tips with this would be appricated. thx

about Rogs grabs what are some neat tricks after doing his grab ?

basics, go behind opponnt low forward, low strong, low jab dash punch or instead do low forward then grab, as an alternate, act as if you’ll go under then low roundhouse from the front.

Cool thanks
you know when using his Tap what is the difference between 3P and 3K version…is it just because when using 3P you do kick moves and 3K you do punch moves … which do you use ? and in what situations do you use them or vs what characters etc…

…anyone got some cool cross up combos after his headbutt throw? i been watching some rog matches and it almost seem guarenteed as they are flying in the air after throw you can just easily press forward and walk under them…

what im asking are for the various damaging things you can do after cross up…appreciate it.

Does that mean you press jab and fierce at the same time? or like piano tap jab and then fierce quickly after it?