Baiting Sonic Hurricane?

the only reasons you should rc wake is to punish their meaty attack/rc or push them away from you and resume pressure strings/wait and bait. an rc boom is safe, reversal rolls are not.

If you’ve noticed, all charge characters are zone and defensive types. yes they can go offensive but that is when they land a kd to go on the mix up. zangief would never catch guile’s s.rh as a punish, even if its considered airborne, its only the start up that is airborne, unless you play in rythme i doubt you will get punished.

Guile roll is kinda slow, you can get thrown easily on reaction, punished and whatever.
RC Boom is his main poke, it’s the best thing to do against a meaty or rc meaty special. In the worst case you won’t hit your opponent, but he won’t hit you too, so the game kinda resets.

Guile is more offensive in my opinion. He is the “patient” style who’s will slowly control the match with constant sonic boom pressure (of course watch and react according to your opponent, random booms get you killed^^), charging bar, wait for an opening/mistake then works the guard bar at close range. If you fail, you just go back zoning.
I can spend half the round throwing sbooms just to get that lvl3 threat. Attacking becomes way easier, and punishable patterns becomes less punishable^^

Against characters that can’t crouch his backfist replace hk with this move! Throw boom and backfist at the right distance, there is no gap and it’s safe.

Your quote refers to every character. These games are about zoning, controlling space, pressuring and “encouraging” your opponent to do unsafe moves-but it’s an interesting thought nonetheless.

I’ve recently watched some tournament videos and I’ve recognised that Guiles in CvS2 are pretty defensive, to my surprise. Although it’s hard for me to believe it actually makes sense when observing the matches closely enough. I haven’t seen a Guile player yet starting off the match with a roll, s.Forward or even a jump-in or any other offensive movement. But these players don’t take even the smallest risk, that’s pretty annoying… Guile has got such great moves!

And that meter-building-thingy… they should get rid of it in the future, just to make a remark…

true that all characters in the game have those attributes but charge characters main on those 2. you can’t rush with a charge character where everytime you end your guard strings with a sonic boom, gotta add those extra attacks to charge up the boom and even then Guile players wouldn’t do that. here’s a vid of the best C-Guile. anyhow this thread is getting off topic, so i’m going to stop here.

Yeah, I’ve thought of some characters, too, especially Remy, Urien and Q. Maybe charge characters are just a little more reliant on their positioning than others.

The video proved me wrong concerning that reversal roll cancelled into a special attack thing we’ve talked about before (00:12). I’m glad to have seen it-it IS possible.

Though Nakanishi is a great player I highly doubt that this is the most advantageous way to play Guile. It’s safe to keep yourself at the right distance to exploit the range of Guile’s pokes but taking risks isn’t as dangerous in CvS2 as it is in Super Turbo. The reward for taking calculated risks is alot higher in CvS2 than in ST.

Ok, from this video we’ve learned not to throw an empty Sonic Hurricane at max range while the opponent is crouching.

uh, the hurricane was a gimmick to bait an attack that Iyo didn’t fall for

I know, I’ve also seen videos of players who successfully got the Sonic Hurricane that way but once the opponent is crouching I highly doubt that he will move just to get hit by a level 3 Super. Instead they just keep their position and trick the Guile player.

I’ve thought of throwing out a Sonic Hurricane while the opponent is dashing in. Of course this won’t work on most of the characters because their dash is somekind of short “hop” but it seems very practical. It requires a very good reaction of the Guile player, however, but if it’s possible for Third Strike Akuma players to react and time their Shun Goku Satsu accordingly, then there’s no escape for the in-dashing opponent.

Probably nothing worth noting, but I get that trigger finger ready for the Hurricane once I push them out far enough so that the only move that will hit that’s hard to react to is Guile’s Fierce Boom, maybe I’ll whiff a standing forward whille charging back or a quick crouching short to bait a quick response, only if I know that player is that sort of “twitchy” kind that acts first and thinks later.
Hurricanes tend to hit a lot of those twitchy folks.
Point being I guess getting them at that range after a few blocked normals (a blocked string if you will) and ending it with a boom (which they may try to punish if they’re that foolish) leads to a potential opening, a gap that both players should be ready for.
It’s basically a setup for a possible opening that reduces the opponent’s options so that your “psychic” Hurricane has a stroner chance of hitting.
That’s basically how people land psychic dragonpunches, but the Hurricane’s a ranged move and hence is used slightly differently, but follows the same principle.
Other than that, it seems to be a mostly good footsies deterrent, makes people slightly more cautious as if you were raged, and punishing them for their lack of caution otherwise.