xbl is a closed network. meaning outside access to the rest of the internet, unless its embedded in the xbl experience, is basically not allowed. So internet stuff like netflix streaming, last.fm, hulu+, ESPN, facebook, etc. are all internet features of xbl. But you cant access youtube, surf the internet, pay your bills, etc. because xbl does not allow access to the internet. just whats allowed via xbl software. PSN is not restricted, hence why it has an actual web browser.
So because of this, 3so for psn will allow youtube uploading to your own personal youtube account. Unfortunately, on xbla, its told that you can still upload to youtube, but it gets uploaded to a master youtube account(probably held by capcom) and you’ll have to fish for your matches. and from what im told, atleast on psn, the videos will not be tagged with the psn tags in the title. but since it uploads to your account, you can re-name/re-tag easily. not so much on xbox, atleast not until they implement youtube in the upcoming xbl dashboard fall update(october or november).
if youtube uploading is that important to you, then psn version will be better. unfortunately im hearing stories about psn version lagging offline =( no real proof of that yet tho
TooTall and I will be playing on Xbox, and I hope it doesn’t suffer from the same latency that PS3 players are reporting so far. I’ve seen like 10-12 YouTube vids too - they’re all 240p so they’re pretty low quality and people are going to be crawling out of the woodwork uploading videos so they might be hard to sift through.
You can add me Jon if you want - tag is still Lukesballz. My internet connection is pretty terrible but hopefully GGPO netcode will help some of that.
Haz: What’s the APPROXIMATE starting times of the tourneys? And yes, I checked the front page of this thread and your event page (cough::SCOTT::cough). I’m really hoping I can make it…about 25% possibility.
Im trying to pull a quick tourney together this weekend to help raise money for a friend (my best friend Eddie Saiz II) in need. His 1-month-old son (Eddie Saiz III) passed away Sunday. Obviously no one has money saved up to pay for a newborn’s funeral so I would like to see what we can do within the community to help. None of you even know my boy Eddie, so if you are busy or just not up to it…its completely understandable, at least come out and battle. Most of us have lost loved ones for reasons other than “old age”. So we all know how off guard this can knock us.
What I would like to attempt to throw a donation entry tourney, with $1 (being the minimum) going to the tourney pot, and hopefully accept any and all willing donations.
Tourney Information What: SSF4:AE, MVC3, and any other popular request Where: Possible venues: UAT or Arnul’s When: Pendig (this Saturday or Sunday, preferably Sunday) Time: Pending responses here Why: To help raise money for the funeral of Eddie Saiz III Who: ANY and EVERYONE!!! Entry fee: Donation based with a $1 minimum. For instance, I am going to enter each tourney at $50 each. $49 will go towards the donation pot, $1 going to the tourney pot. On the other end, if you do not want to donate (which is understandable), you will pay $1 to enter each tourney. Pot: $1 from every donation will go to the pot. 70/20/10 as usual.
I will be doing a Car Wash Saturday, so the first part of Saturday wont be an option.
This is obviously super last minute so I dont have all the details worked out. I figured I’d get the general idea out there to be rolled around. Details will be posted as they’re worked out.
i dunno if i can make it. may be with the gf all weekend(other than friday night). that really sucks man =( maybe ill just donate regardless, if i cant make it
My condolences to your friend’s child, reece. Such a young child…make sure you send details about the car wash on the forums (don’t have FB). I hope my fam can stop by and contribute.
I have a reason to use U2 again! Not sure if it’s worth it though since the damage is iffy. I’m just glad it’s an AA again.
Ed, thanks a ton man! I do have a paypal account, but I have only ever used it to pay for stuff (ebay, and other random websites). I have never done any transfer of funds on there. Where would that be done at on the site.
Walt, the car wash will be on Saturday from 8am til about 2 or so…It will be held at O’riely Auto Parts in the plaza on the Northeast corner of 35th ave and Southern. Thanks!
I’ll be visiting Phoenix, AZ from Chicago (to attend a graduation ceremony) from Wed night thru Sat, any SSF4:AE gatherings? Need to find out when the ceremony is but the tourney this Fri sounds interesting!
I understand where you’re coming from on this, especially with regards to AE, but I feel you’re missing a key aspect that makes Wolvie in MvC3 different that Boxer/Bison in SF4. While there are certainly ways to deal with all three, in SF4 the ways of dealing tending to be universal; blocking properly, teching throws, and just ‘playing tight’. In MvC3 however, dealing with Wolvie is a much more character dependent thing. Logan simply invalidates large portions of the cast, almost singlehandedly. The man has a fullscreen, safe, left-right mixup that leads into character killing combo’s for crissakes!
And while I’m posting, does anyone have an open spot in their ride to Haz’s? I can pay for gas, and bring just a console. I can also bring my laptop, which has AE, so long as no one minds all the graphics settings turned way down (I’ve actually grown to like dull gray backgrounds! Peaceful. Calming. Unlike fucking YUN.)
Shame i’ll miss both Haz’s tourney and the Car Wash. My flight won’t be landing until about 3pm on Saturday. But i’ll definitely have to get up wif you fellas asap.
Of course the Saturday thing relies heavily on Hurricane Irene turning away from SC in the next couple of days.