Against Rog:
Cr fierce, cr forward, cr strong and I think a well timed cr jab stuff rush punches
If you are super cool, you can upkick them(short), TAP’s too. Only for the brave/confident, and only works with high rush punches.
Like BruceLB said, jump back RH if he whiffs his super
Cr forward a lot, but not too much. You will be amazed at how many knockdowns you get with this
Careful when you try and cross him up, his bodies hit box is skinnier than it looks, and if you cross him up wrong, you will get the headbutt.
When he doesn’t have super, zone him with maxouts, st RH headbutts or J RH them if he gets too close with them. Kinda try to work him into the zone where he either has to block maxouts, jump over them, or headbutt, and counter the headbutts. Or, just rezone him if you can’t counter, but be careful of getting St fierce to the mouth. Counter rushes with cr forward, cr fierce, short upkick, etc.
When he does have super, I use the same game plan, but a much more defensive/footsie oriented version. Just don’t get sloppy, and work your normals more instead of maxouts, and be careful of when he has a charge as an indicator on when not to throw them
You can safe jump on boxer pretty easily with jumping jab. Work this into your zoning game, get him in the zone where you can safe jump, do so, he whiffs headbutt, you punish. [media=youtube]FMTJHPlQcsM&feature=related[/media]
The very end of this match, 5:22 or so, you will see DeeJay safe jump.
Just some basic anti Rog stuff, it took me awhile to get comfortable fighting Rog.
Once again, I am no expert but this should be more than enough to get you going =]
Against Sim, I really don’t have that much to offer. I really haven’t played that many Sims that were scary, in ST or HDR, so my knowledge about him is pretty limited. Some basic stuff I can offer is:
Try to trade hits with Cr fierce, that will dizzy him after a couple and you can jump in and combo him. Also makes him think twice/hesitate a little bit to stick those limbs out. Cr strong beats a lot of his low punch stretch madness too.
Cr forward beats his slide, knocks him down so you can cross him up. I think cr fierce will knock him out of the slide too, not 100% sure about that though.
Maxouts, smart and patient use of them, because I am sure you know you can get popped if you are predictable, but this is the key in getting him to trade hits or stick out limbs for you to pop.
St strong and upkicks beat drills
Tick throw him with your cross up patterns, after a teched throw throw out a cr fierce, seems to catch a lot of Sims trying to stick out limbs.
When close, I like to throw in RH or short dreadkicks as a pressure tactic after a block string to try and push him towards the corner.
Like you said, your cr strong is valuable in this match, as it is every match up.
Sadly, that is about all I have on Sim lol