Avenging Spiderman- The UMvC3 Matchup Thread

hawkeye def has some stuff he can do against zero. if you are alright with putting spiderman second it seems okay to do that.

me, i’d probably use taskmaster in my team instead of spiderman until i get really comfortable in the matchup.

You won’t get comfortable with the MU using Spidey if you don’t use him for it. O:

*for tournaments

You won’t get comfortable with the MU using spidey for tournaments if you don’t use him for it… for tournaments.* O:

nah i can run spidey v zero outside of tournaments.

:lol: the matchup did become harder but I wouldn’t say it’s one of his harder matchups. Zero has obvious flaws once he’s in the air. You with missiles and triple arrow can actually out zone him. Once he takes to air you can dash and call missiles. Then he is forced to block giving you the ground mixup. Even without Doom he is open once you’re under him. His dive is beat out by web throw and though he can teleport he still leaves himself vulnerable or you the chance to escape.

A good Zero won’t just let you get under him like that of course. I’m finding more success with web ball zip back web swings, :l: spider stings/bite, neutral jump :h: xx web swings, web throws, and off course good assist calls to cover or setup shenanigans.

Zro was here…

i definitely have options with my team, and i need to be more aware of zero’s options for sure

Bad Spider-Man matchups IMO are Zero, Trish, and Felicia backed by a decent horizontal assist. Characters with quick normals/cheap hitboxes that can attack you from the air just as well if not better than you can to them. Augmented by assists and such of course, but I think that runs the gamut.

Assists that give Spider-Man the most trouble would be Log Trap and Vajra – the two best assists at controlling air space.

I think Spider-Man actually beats Hawkeye, MS on reaction to Gimlet every time. Be smart with your ground game, and approach. You’re going to die if you try to avoid taking any chip. Otherwise, pretty beatable. He can’t cover distance and corners himself very fast.

I wouldn’t say Cap is tough or a bad matchup, just gotta respect his stuff. Pick him up, he’s fairly straightforward - it’ll give you an idea of what he can and can’t defend against. Be smart with those airdashes.

Ditto for Spencer. As hard as he can be to defend against, he can’t really do shit to Peter either. It’s a really fun matchup of speed vs power. I think Spider-Man worked him pretty bad in Vanilla, a little closer to even in this one due to the reduced damage output.

@spencer: gotta disagree HUGELY here

i play against a really really teched out spencer. with his 80k unscaled up grapple, he still does insane amounts of damage off of a normal confirm, and insane amounts of damage off of a damage-scaling confirm. spencer’s faster than he was in vanilla, his grapple controls the air space that spiderman wants to be in, it’s a mess.

This is from numerous games of my spiderman + triple arrow hawkeye assist vs spencer + ironman unibeam assist. I’m not as good of a player as this guy atm but it’s still very frustrating for me. A lot of my game is shut down, and my only real approach atm is grounded web ball xx forward web zip + assist. Everything else I try ends with me dying LOL

If you are fighting a super jumping Zero who’s not really trying to make you come to him any other way then you you can just out zone him and force a mistake. Spidey can zone better than zero with his ability to zip cancel

Zro was here…

Any advice on combating nemesis? Most of the people who use him online are garbage (just spamming his tentacle attack), but my buddy has been using him, and everything that I tried was getting me blown up.

his haggar style bazooka-pipe gets him a free combo, and it’s difficult to maintain pressure on him because of his super armor and the amazing range on his :s:. When i try to stay back and fish for web throws, I always get hit with a jump rocket: it hits me before my web throw can connect. for a while, I had some luck ground zipping in from just out of range of his :s:, but his tentacles are like ghost rider’s chain.

Am I the only one who feels like they gave nemesis the best moves from all the other characters? haggar-style pipe, super armor, command throw that has crazy range (especially the anti-air one), 360 degree normals… i just finished fighting my buddy so I guess I’m a little over-exaggerating (at least i had more wins than losses, but not by much)

What’s he doing to combat super jump web ball?

haggar. yes, i need haggar matchup advice.

he’s able to just do nothing but jump pipe while he uses a doom beam assist and frank cart assist to lock me down. i literally could not move from my spot because any attempt i made was either beaten clean by pipe/beam or if i went for an air throw he simply waited until he saw me jumping at him and mashed H, which meant i was back to square one.

i couldn’t zone him out. doom beam beat any zoning i could try. the best i could hope for was random damage from air web balls followed by web zipped H’s.

not to mention i’ve never seen his resets before. is the one he has in the corner escapable? the one where he jumps at you? because i tried recovering forward, backwards, neutrally, mashing buttons, nothing.

Have you tried MS?

i did twice. the first time it worked because i think i did it at the earliest possible time i could. the second time he just straight grabbed me as i was backflipping to the wall.

it was damn depressing.

Try neutral :h: or :s:

have you tried approaching with super jump + web zip downforward (and blocking during it)

unless he is able to somehow grab you out of it, it’s overall a safe maneuver, and it’ll get you into a threatening range.
if he is in the air, and he is telegraphing jS, you should be able to air-to-air him before the hitbox comes out with jMH xx H web swing jMHS and continue a combo (this is just an example).
On the ground, all of nemesis’ armor moves only have armor really late in the move. mash crL, do instant overheads, etc. try all the close range maneuvers you want (keeping in mind the doom beam of course).

this is just in general not counting assists. what are your assists?

i tried pestering him with sj.web ball for awhile, but he learned that he could hit me by super jumping forward and using deadly reach :frowning:
i may have over exaggerated earlier, but our matches usually hinged on whether i could kill nemesis before he killed spidey. i still think its a tough matchup though. like fighting a hulk that has better range

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That means you got predictable. Nemesis is too slow to be doing anything to spidey other than shoot missiles

Zro was here…

His j. :f:+:h: and j. :d: + :h: are quite the nuisance, imo. I’ll probably write more on this MU later.