I watched your videos in which you were asking for a critique of your Cap play; I think you are onto something with Rocket Raccoon’s pendulum assist.
Characters that can fight Zero (though there isn’t any singular character Zero loses to, ‘even’ at best) include Nova, Magneto, MorriDoom.
With Cap, your best chance against Zero would be to utilize the games mechanics against Zero. Cross-over counters, meter in particular, there are also snap backs and x factor. You would need a team or characters who could take advantage of these, or you could start other characters on point against Zero (or Cap’s other tough match-ups).
Cap vs Zero isn’t a 10-0…however it is a 7-3 (though we have a zero player here who swears it’s a 5-5…proving my theory on the intelligence levels needed to win with zero).
The issue is Zero beats Cap in nearly every type of fight and using assists to fill in the gaps to beat him can simply tell a good Zero to switch to a new gameplan you can’t cover. If you have GTFO’s like Lariat or jam, he’ll just zone you. If you go for counter call beams, he’ll zone you from the air. If you fight him air to air, he’ll likely just avoid you and target your assist calls. He also invalidates a ton of Cap’s moves (lvl 1 buster nullfies chargin star…uuuuuuuuugh, lvl 3 buster beats shield slash clean, lvl 3 hyper beats Hyper charging Star…seriously what the fuck Capcom test team?)
How do you beat him? snipes and safe pressure strings. This means you need assists that can keep charging star and/or stars and stripes safe, a safe DHC, and any other gimicks you can think of. The only thing you really have going for you is if he has lvl 3, you can charging star (be VERY aware of Zero’s that spam lvl 1 against Cap) and if you patiently double jump you can call assists. I spend almost all the fight jumping around at about 1/2 to 3/4ths screen and wait for an opportunity to lock him down with an assist call or a charging star. Also snap backs…Most people have ass anchor zeros (even though he’s arguably the best one), if anything you at least get a chnace to kill the other 2 characters.
Stars/stripes log traps or jam is pretty good. Any assist that makes charging stars safe. A good THC like RR or Dante. A character you tag in to fight him instead. The best characters for fighting Zero is Magneto, Morrigan, Task…however if he runs Vajra you have problems and only really Task helps Cap and runs into team placement issues.
I love me some Cap…but playing Zero really showcases how fucked this game is for certain characters trying to contend. Honestly I would consider a team meant to fight Zero w/o Cap when you have to face him. Zero’s just too broken.
Dammmmm that matchup sounds tough for a Cap players like me. When I was watching the The Runback, I remembered that Paradigm commentating the match stated that ZMC biggest weakness is that both assist (Jam Session and Rapid Slash) can be easily be punished. So the best strategy is to try to kill both Zero’s assist. Hyper Charging Star + Okami Shuffle THC does a good job on killing an assists with 8,000 health while Zero players can’t do anything about it unless he has a LvL 3.(A pay back to Zero players when I get happy birthday by him so many times ~ online). I would try capitalize off of every mistake Zero players makes, including a dropped lighting loops as lighting without LvL3 Buster being the only unsafe move Zero has. LvL3 buster > Lighting is unsafe (something I didn’t know until I watch Honzo Gonzo’s video, or heard the commentator while watching TRB ~ Clockw0rk vs a Zero player)
At least this video would help me fight or deal with Zero when I have to face a Zero player.
Btw, sometimes a Charging Star beats pizza cutter. According to the bible, Zero’s pizza cutter(both versions) have 18 active frames. For proof, it is shown at 3:40
so i’m looking to make a change. Right now i’m running cap (charging star)/spencer (diagonal grapple)/task(straight arrows), but i use spencer’s assist very little for combo extensions, mostly just for incoming mix ups, and I’m having a tough time landing a consistent midscreen combo for him, so i’m looking to change. I’m thinking swapping him out for nova (rush), maybe rocket (log trap), but i’m not great with high execution characters. any thoughts?
Spencer has no synergy with Cap IMO. Resets are pointless now and there’s better combo and neutral coverage.
Cap/RR/Task works if you’re fine with anchor Task. You get pretty much all the tools you need in each shell. You might want to consider doing the RR/Cap/Task order though with the intention of holding :a1: (cap/RR/task) at start so that you can also counter pick with :a2: (task/cap/rr). Task actually fights a lot of Cap’s bad matchups very well with simple zoning tactics.
Nova is a win more. He doesn’t help caps issues and just lets you go ham in scenarios you’re already dominant in. That’s kind of Cap’s big issue. He’s got a lot of strong assists that only help him in those types of situations but he’s still left desperately trying to get in on certain zoners that don’t care about charging stars and shield slashes.
Yeah, I don’t really need him to pick guys up midscreen, and task’s arrows will hold him up in the corner so I think spencer is out.
I really like anchor task, he’s easy to swap between zone and rushdown, and he’s an absolute beast with xf3. 2 bars and xf3 and I can chip most characters to death. What about Shuma at 2?
i want to build around a captain america and doom shell. I originally was running cap (charging star)/modok (beam)/ doom (missiles) and i tend to like that team. However, cap (shield slash)/ vergil (rapid slash)/ doom (beam) gives me better control of horizontal space in some match ups.
I do not like vergil so I’m looking to substitute another character for him. Someone who provides an assist that either extends combos, locks down, or keeps charging star safe. Also, I want to be able to kill off of DHC.
Cap/xx/Doom or Cap/Doom/xx makes no difference to me.
any ideas?
Basically, i want doom beam as well. (unless tehre is another character that can provide beam coverage and then i can use the hidden missiles Super extension for cap)
The only problem I have with Rapid Slash assist is that Charging + Rapid Slash can be easily countered by Lariat, and you risk getting happy birthday-ed by Haggar.
I love Dr Strange. I would play Cap/Doom beam/Bolts
Though I think the most optimal Cap/Doom team is out of Cap/Doom beam/Sentinel or Cap/Doom beam/Akuma. Sentinel and Akuma provide better support. Rocket Raccoon arguably has a better assist (log trap) than all the above, but is not as strong a point as the others [1]
1= I’ve seen RayRay’s Sentinel. No one can tell me nothing
First team should be ordered Cap/Unibeam/Missiles, xf saved for Doom.
Second team is better in my opinion, but unfortunately Doom doesn’t have the best point ability in neutral, even with Sentinel backing. Team is better for mix-ups than neutral.
Plus Cap can get the same damage as drones hyper charging star as he can from Proton Array DHC. So as great as double hyper charging star, or even the quintuple charging star set up from drones is, Sentinel isn’t a necessity for Cap.
And Cap struggles against Zero, Wolverine, Firebrand, and now Magneto. Jam Session, Tatsu are IMO the two best possible assists for Cap with the games current state. But I have my reservations about having Dante/Akuma shell backing.
I have been playing Cap(shield slash)/Spencer (diag grapple)/RR (spitfire) for a while now. It’s a fun team, but has glaring weaknesses. I also am not very good with spencer so that doesn’t really help. But here is some stuff I have come up with. I’ll post more if you want.
I know Jam Session is good assist for Cap, but I not sure if I can trust that assist because of Damage Scaling (I know he has TAC infinite), and from what I seen in video matches with Jam Session assist, some player can bait out Jam Session. There has to be way to beat a player who’s good at baiting assists.
The team I’m using
Cap/RR/Strider, after seeing ElitheCurry video matches I decided pick Strider. The Vajira fixes both Cap & RR problems against Aerial Zoners.