Im playing Cap/Vergil/Hawkeye. This is a really fun team to me because of the fact that I can kill anybody off of almost anything with this team. From super jump conversion to a ground back throw, Im doing 1 million at least. I love that. That was my main complaint about my other teams with Cap.
Some Cap/Vergil tech:
I haven’t really kept up with the forums, but with my almost 3 weeks learning this team front to back, I found some nice shit that could be really cheap/derpy.
From midscreen to the corner, if I were to call Vergil and do heavy charging star, not only is it safe, but if I get a hit on you, I can throw in an extra charging star L, launch into a full air combo, backdash, shield slash L, dash, charging star L, charging star H xxx HCS for 689k I think and I build another bar, if I DHC into sword, Im killing Taskmaster and under. Derp option select, yaaaaaaaas.
Let’s say I call Vergil then do charging star L. I get 3 options from that. Instant overhead, low or throw, all leading to death and they can be made safe.
General Cap stuff, but he can instant overhead people his size and over with j. L. If he hits that, he can x-factor and do D+H and convert into a full combo.
Something I have been working on is that on incoming, I call Vergil then do stars and stripes L. If he blocks and doesn’t pushblock, he is forced to keep blocking, if he pushblocks, I can guard break him. If he gets hit, idek what to do after that lol. Im still working on it lol.
When Vergil is on point, with shield slash assist, I can get 3 mixups in a row. After a st. H plus assist, I can teleport back, and then teleport back again, then rapid slash. Or I can teleport back and teleport front and then rapid slash. I think I can get up to 9 scenarios with this mixup. Imma do some more labwork with this later.