Atlantic South Phone Book of Goodness (Numbers, XBL, PSN, Kaillera, etc.)

SRK: Cool-Breeze
Kalliera: Cool-Breeze
Marietta, Ga

Greetings from your newest moderator!

I’m considering combining this w/ the “Phone Book” thread, or at least putting the Kalliera handles up there to keep the information easy to find. Any thoughts? Complaints? Obsceneties?


i play x vs sf,mvc,and sfa3.this thread should be sticky.

Good Idea Kyah, so good Im now claiming it as my idea.
And I will post this in the Phone Book area as MY IDEA Thank You, and also what games will be held on the 30th cause myself and skitz want to come dominate Marval

SN: evillee
Name: Luc
Cell: 786-269-7897
AIM: haitianhomey1012
Loc: Kissimmee, FL/ Miami, FL

Hello. Just played my first Kaillera game last night. Can see it becoming a regular thing.

tag: final_cut
Location: North Florida
games: Mark of the Wolves, Alpha 3.

Since you haven’t updated in almost a month, I’m closing this down and moving the information into the A.S. Phone Book thread - that way it will be easier for people to search.

OK the Kaillera thread was merged into this one. Keep those handles coming!

SN: Dangief
Name: Dan Davies
AOL: Kamquatzero
Cell 570-898-4271
Loc: Orlando FL

SN: 1stKlas
Name: Ralph Clotaire
Cell: 407 913 9379
Loc: Ft. Myers/ Orlando, Fl

SN: WantonX
Name:Mike Wood
AIM:Legs Hands
PM me for telephone number
Location: Norcross.GA
Personal Page:

SN: Rickism
Name: Ric
Cell: 954-588-2030
Loc: fort lauderdale, FL

Is There Anyone In Tn Besides Me??? :frowning:

You should try the Columbia guys or Kentucky

I met Tad(alphakami) and tonight Juan(lv 32 zism rose) is coming over. Shit is going to be fun. NO MORE TRAINING MODE!!! RAWR!!!

There you go, then :slight_smile:

SN: lilzizzay814816
Name: Zay
Location: Memphis,TN
Cell: 9014139097
Status: MVC2


SN: ize(colombia)
Name: Camilo Diaz
Loc: orlando, FL
MSN: KOFrulez
Kaillera: ize(colombia) - king of fighters 98/97

ill be there