I liked your name, why did you have to be a dummy right off the bat?
We’re bringing in like 1000 refugees a day, for a short amount of time, to see how it goes.
I remember in the middle ages, muslim’s followed certain rules, like showing mercy to wounded combatants. Not going person to person executing them. These people aren’t muslim. I mean, they claim they are, but they’re really not, and we all know it. Like we KNOW that the West Baptist assholes aren’t actually the go to people to represent Christianity or Catholicism or whatever branch of Jesus they subscribe to. I have tons of muslim friends that are just like anybody else I know, except they suck dick when it comes to delicious bacon. They just wanna exist and contribute to society in their own little way, and live like the rest of us. Sure, some of them sort of demand things from their religion existed more often in real life, but whatever. They’re not shooting people to prove a false point.
Like Chris Rock said, whatever happened to just being crazy?
on the internet, idiots? NO WAY!!!
I hope the response to this is at least a LITTLE more sensible than the clusterfuck response to 9/11.
Quran also states you should kill all atheists and give Christians a chance to convert before killing them, like Christianity it constantly contradicts itself.
Sad thing is the ignorant majority are gonna say Islam is an evil religion and they need to kill then all…people already saying and thinking like this in TexASS. THIS situation is gonna start something that no one is gonna be prepared for. Any word on the identity of who these guys are?
Christianity is pretty much dead in the middle east. Some bell that rang for 2000 years (fuck I wish I could find the article) didnt ring, because they were afraid of being slaughtered.
A lot of piss poor third world muslims view other religions as an enemy, and that’s a sad state of affairs. You’re not free to practice Christianity over there, it’s convert or die.
I am at a loss for words in this thread…how many more times is shit like this going to happen though? How do we stop it without complete bloodshed and violence? Fuck
From what I know (which is admiteddly very little), if a non-muslim lives in a muslim country, their lives, wealth, property, religion should be secure. They should have access to the same legal resources and when making a judgement, the judge cannot be biased against the non muslim as it is not from justice. They should be free to practice what they want.
If it’s the other way around, and a muslim lives in a non muslim country, they are considered ambassadors to that country even if they are converts from country. Eg. A white American convert to islam. He can still view it as his country, his birthplace etc, but he must acknowledge the laws of that country take precedence over Islamic law. Ie. He cannot impose shariah law there*
He has to practice his faith to the best of ability within the legal framework of that country. Ie. In the west you can drink alcohol but no one is forcing muslims to drink alcohol so they can practice that part. If the laws of that country change so that the muslim finds it difficult to live there, they **must move **elsewhere. The earth is considered spacious enough to accommodate that.
contrary to popular belief held due to spreading of false propaganda by shitty media, muslims don’t want to impose shariah law in non muslim countries. Shariah is a general term used to describe islam law that covers both rulings from both an individual and personal perspective to society as a whole as well. Muslims can/should practice shariah that relates to themselves on a Personal Level (ie, don’t drink pork, don’t have alcohol, pray 5 times a day etc), they should practice their face as much as they are able to but they cannot impose a govement level shariah, as this can only be done by an Islamic government on an Islamic nation (duh – this should really be kinda obvious anyway).
Really? news to me… why dont you support your claim by posting some quotes that will do the following:
Note be misquoted
Taken out of context and includes the full historical context in which the verse was first revealed
Fully captures the intricacies of the Arabic language in which a simple word can have multiple meanings in english based on various factors.
Quite frankly, you probably heard this BS from someone and somewhere and were too lazy to actually go and find it in the Quran itself. Im not sure the word athiest is even in the Quran LOL
Islam is the religion of peace, brethren. Do not judge an entire nation of peaceful people by the actions of a minority of its members! Do not judge the nation of Islam just because 99% of terrorist attacks are perpetrated by Muslims. Just because only 1% of muslims are actually carrying out 99% of the terrorist attacks we cannot say that Islam is to blame!!!1
Islam is the religion of peace. I think the European governments should open their borders to even more of these peace loving and very tolerant people. While they’re at it, they should give more social welfare programs to these folks so that they don’t have to work because after all they need to stay home and breed so that in a generation or two the white population will be outnumbered 3:1.
I hope Obama, Merkel and the other apologists are paying attention to this.
Immigration is good for business. How any adult could dispute that fact boggles my brain. Sure, the short term is going to be difficult but once they assimilate into the country they do pretty well for the overall economy of a country.
But again, I don’t know why you think them going into a country suddenly gives them voting power. It doesn’t. In fact, xenophobes are the ones who push anti-immigrant laws overwhelmingly so onto incoming immigrants. France itself has pushed a few anti-Muslim laws into effect, tarnishing their secular reputation. Until those immigrants become outright citizens, a process that can take years, they can’t vote for shit.
And I’m also sure it was you who posted about sharia law being put into parts of France,. That sorta showed your hand because that little stupid blip on television was proven to be false as fuck. That was a pundit’s blurb that conservatives ran with.
This is about sending condolences to the slain victim’s families…Also The two employee’s work for the same company I work for are stable…Thank the heavans
As a Muslim sitting here taking in all the info, I’m depressed on two fronts:
[] That this happened and all those people who were killed
[] That people will continue to call my way of life barbaric due to their own fear and ignorance. I’m used to reading the negative things that people write and I’m gonna be honest - I can’t do it this time. I can’t take the media right now.
so when Elliot Rodger went on his terrorist attack, it was for Islam?
I could go on, but I hope you get the point
I’m used to this enough by now, I don’t blame Islam in general. These weren’t Islamic representatives. Avoid the internet if you gotta, brother, but I’m not blaming Islam in the least.
regulated Immigration is good for business provided it’s regulated. It acts as a balance to ensure there are more people working than their are retireing ensuring the government doesn’t have to borrow too much due to a decrease in tax revenue and growing expendeture for retired folks.
That’s basic.
Allowing and saying you want to import 3 million people into your country to provide shelter, but you have no means to provide them with a job, and in the likely event that the events they ran from are still in place. THat means you have a huge group of people with no jobs, which means they will turn to the usual things jobless people turn to to scrape a living. There is a significant diffrence between regulated immigration and free flowing immigration that accepts hordes of people with no real plan to ensure they have the means to stay there and be productive.
Because lets be real, the immigrants going to Germany and Canada are not going to leave. They are going to stay, because no matter what the government says, they aren’t going to kick them out at gun point like they do in the US.
And I didn’t say sharia law dumbass. I said sharia court, there’s a huge damn difference. When you have people going to underground courts based on religious doctrine, rather than the doctrine defined by the host countries constitution. That’s a failure to integrate. Now I don’t speak in absolutes, so you shouldn’t be stupid enough to assume that I deny the possibility of integration. The possibility is there, but the possibility of failure to is real. I’ve even heard stations like NPR talk about the strange flux French Arabs have to deal with due to identity issues, and these are the kids. Why would Europe want to deal with more of that. It’s not like blacks or Hispanics here with similar identity issues go and do radical things. They rally and protest, the alternative to these kids is radicalization that feeds and perpetuates violence.