Ask the Colossus Guru

Yeah, I’ll use it vs pretty much any character given the situation. Vs a magneto in particular though, it is particularly useful because even if he runs from you, you can build another meter for another hyper armor, and he really cant do anything against you while in that mode except throw.

Be careful when activating though, because he can seriously fuck you up if you are vulnerable on startup.

Basic hyper armor startup options are:

After any shoulder bash (hit), cancel into HA

Force them to block drones, HA

Block string with multi hit assist at the end, HA.

not too over simplifiy, but colosus on point seems like alot of j.hp, tackle+drones, or timed dash in launch. The speed range/range of his jab are amazing, can you land tackle off any random jab or is it just better anyways to just ground them and finish with hp or hk

i think i pretty much understand how he works. Does he have anything that beats storm I was thinking his sj.hp would hit or trade like Sentinel.

Off a landed jab I usually combo from there I might do the ground shoulder bash, and when they start tech rolling that combo, after the you can dash back and set up some good mixups because you dash right to where they are rolling to and you can hit them from either side really.

vs storm the only thing thats going to beat it is a well timed shoulder bash, and thats risky. I usually don’t try to beat that move.

o sorry i meant in my post was what do you do off a jab in the air. Do you like to end with tackle for damage or send them to the ground to set up next follow up.

Don’t have my DC with me right now, can you combo launch, sj.hkXXtackle?

Been playing marvel for a long time so i’m gonna try to ask alot of specific questions. Some i could figure on my own, but i might as well ask and keep the thread alive.

off a sj.jab, i will do fierce, super.

dunno about that launch combo but you can launch, hk shoulder bash, super. 3 hits hella damage.

Why use c. HK over c. HP, since c. HP gives unrollable combos?

Also, what would you recommend for ground combos after a jumpin? Launch, or 2hit into shoulder? Also, when I do 2 hit into shoulder should I use lp, mp, or lk, mk, or c. lp/mp. etc? Is there one string that works better than others, or is there anything that’s situational? I use lk, mk xx shoulder myself, but the lk has such crap range I’m looking for something else. Thanks in advance.

well the is REALLY fast (8 frames iirc), hits low, and is generally more reliable. c.hp is really good if its guranteed, but at max range it wont even combo into shoulder bash, and it is really a lot slower than so it just depends on situation, but is overall more reliable.

if i land a jumpin i always go for launch. absolute best option.

if you are doing a ground chain (or air for that matter) always start with lp. it has great range, and lk has crap range. enough said. other than that most of the ground chains are about the same except obviously hits low, but i would almost always do over anyway. has good range and hits people in the air well.

Thanks for the quick response. I started using lp, mk xx shoulder today. It doesn’t seem to combo as well as lk, mk, but that’s probably because I have to be in closer to land lk in the first place.

Also to clarify, his standard BnB combo is, /\ sj.lp, xx shoulder xx Dive correct?

The reason I asked about ground combos is because I’ve been working on some combos. lp + Spidey web ball, mk xx hk shoulder, web ball traps, and Colossus is now on the other side, and you can do pretty much anything you want to them. I’ve been doing c.hp xx command throw. If it gets blocked, at least Spidey is on the other side so hopefully only Colossus gets punished. Only problem is sometimes distance issues cause them to fly away after the shoulder because the web ball is a little too late, or I have to sub lk shoulder becuase the opponent is too short.

Alternately, I use the same lp, mk xx shoulder with Sabertooth projectile assist as well which more or less saves him from punishment if it whiffs, as most punishment attempts get caught up in the shots and Colossus can combo, or they block and Colossus has a chance to Hyper Armor or pressure further.

Being new to Colossus and MvC2 in general I don’t know how push block or any other factors might affect these combos or if they are actually viable, since I haven’t had much chance to play high level opponents. So do these strats seem useful?

Does Colossus have any type of priority? Is ok if i was playing against magneto to bust out a random dash forward+launch?

Also i noticed his back dash is pretty fast and covers a lot of distance. I use it alot in my matches, do you have any situational uses for this?

Thanks i’m really digging the fighting style, Colosuss is working great for me so far. has priority, yes, but it is slow on startup so i wouldn’t go for it off a dash unless I had like drones behind me, or Hyper Armor.

Also, he has another launcher, it look identical but comes out a little faster, and does a little less damage iirc. sometimes it makes the difference when you need a fast one.

Dash forward, dash back is a good trick to bait shit in marvel in general as long as you have a good dash, and colossus has at least a decent one, so use it to bait shit. you can cancel it into anything to stop you in place too so sometimes i’ll dash back,, or, or whatever mid dash.

Interestingly enough, c.fp is a great option after a connected xx tackle. It has a huge hit range, stays out a long time, and hits meaty. So, after a xx tackle, you can do c.fp to hit opponent out of roll recovery + assist xx tackle…

…This forces opponent to block out of the roll, colossus keeps on the pressure with assist, and it’s anti-assist since you’ll hit the point character before assist comes out, so you can get a nice assist punish as well. Midscreen, c.fp + assist xx tackle is the better option since it has more range, where as in the corner, the lp command throw is the better option since of its quick recovery.

Avid Colossus user here

Whats up Gamers. What your your guys favorite approaches to create a launch?

find a way to land

there are plenty of ways between nj and sj mode. plus use your assists to set it up.

remember it crosses up big time so set it up as a crossup too

I’ve been playing Colossus (AA) - Sentinel (Drones) - Tron Bonne (Projectile) for 9 years now. Was wondering if you had any input to add to my strat below to improve my game. Sadly, I do not have a stick yet for the 360 (patiently waiting for my birthday as the Mrs is getting me one) so I’ve had to change my arcade strat considering using Assist1 is awkward and I can’t do supers consistently (in 100 ranked matches, I think I have done 2-3 Colossus -> Sent DHC switches successfully as an example). That 360 dpad is just horrific. The caliber of player I now play against XBL is nothing to the crowd I played at the arcade (the sadly defunct Fun N Games in Wayne NJ) so I am not doing poorly fwiw. Anyway, here’s the breakdown of my play:

Start with Colossus. Push up at start and play a ground game, mostly that mixes up high and low hits to open up. Mix up sk and rk shoulder tackles to rush down (as it eats so many things). Never tackle (either) on the ground. Midair rh tackle is great for coming down on someone on the ground. Use Sent assist to close in, up close, use Tron. The goal is to OTG into Tron (more likely on XBL than in the arcade, for sure). You can take your sweet ass time with OTG with him too, it’s amazing.

Good players who can, you know, roll out of it, I just stick to -> c. fk -> sk shoulder tackle with the Tron assist - still great damage. Use Sent Assist to block and pop up Hyper Armor (depending on who is currently out, obviously not against Cable). Dumbest players don’t change their strat, dumb players run as I have learned to chase down well and trap into assists. Smart ones try to throw me.

Main point of attack is the shoulder tackle with assist backup. Very low air sk tackles are nice as you can spam Tron assist and most players will try to catch you on the way down and fail.

Optimal goal is to soften one or both other characters so the main is left alone, fearing losing a toon outright. Pokes with c.RK are nice because of the speed and reach. I always jump in with RK, as said, it crosses up like mad and can get a free Swing if fast enough. I generally avoid FP altogether.

His assist is useful for clearing careless SJ/flying players, or to strike away a main toon so I can feast on an assist character. DHC switch tactic is SJ -> Power Dive -> HSF. In the arcade and on DC, it never fails. I honestly never dive except to DHC out. Unless of course I get the monster OTG corner combo off. :stuck_out_tongue:

I usually stick Colossus to Magneto, Sentinel and Storm, Sentinel to Storm and Sentinel and Tron to Cable and Storm, as far as god tier goes. Cable versus Colossus is a big hurdle for me. I avoid assisting with Cable out (just because you can’t protect your assists well against AHVB) so Colo has to play a very careful game. I have problems with Cable (as mentioned), Rogue (I don’t know why) and Blackheart (my AA assist needs an AA assist…).

If Colossus is getting rushed down too hard, I will try Colossus - Sentinel - Capt. Commando. Also works well.

I play Sentinel kinda the same way - big solid hits. I don’t fly as much as most do but I probably should. Tron - Sentinel lockdown is a nice bonus. It also helps that I can, you know, play Tron too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me know what you think. I’m up to try new things.

It sounds like you have a lot of good things going, but I will add what I can.

For Col/Sent, here are some DHC options that you may or may not be aware of.
-c.hp xx super, dhc to sent drones super combos fully. c.hp has incredible range, so use this to punish things that are otherwise hard to punish.
-if you land the corner combo into super, dhc to sent punch super. it looks like it wont work but it does, and it will do 100% to about any character.
-if you land any random jumping hk or hp on a grounded opponent, quickly super and dhc and sentinels super will hit them. colossus’ hard attacks create a ton of hit stun, and his super is instant startup so use these two things to your advantage.

In regard to using tackle to advance on your opponent, tk lk tackle is safe on hit or block, and is even safe on hitting and absorbing a projectile. you can even do many of these in a row if your opponent keeps throwing projectiles, or trying to get away.

With the hk tackles coming down from the air, its seems risky and sometimes you will get the “safe” version and be able to block, other times you will be extremely punishable. I am still trying to figure out exactly what triggers the “safe” version, but from what I understand so far is if you are at the peak of your jump and you do it it will almost always be the safe version. I know there are other factors too thought because I have also done it when not at the peak of a jump.

If I land a I always go for launch. It gets considerably more damage than the giant swing. And again, his will cause so much hit stun that you can hit confirm and do the launcher on reaction to hitting. If their assist happens to be there, they are going for the full ride too so if you launch, air combo, they are both getting hit by all the hits, and both taking about 60-70% damage.

I have not played much colossus/tronne so I can’t add to that, I could probably learn a thing or two from you about this duo. What is the OTG into tronne combo you were talking about anyway?

Thanks for the quick reply! I will try out your tips when I get home from work. I want to see c.HP into dive DHC drones. I can’t believe that would work!

I haven’t noticed the safe/unsafe version of the air RK tackle but I will play around with it too.

The OTG combo is no more than c.SK -> c.RK/call Tron -> finished with a sk Tackle while the opponent is eating the Tron assist. Very simple. It’ll eat 40%-50% of a Magneto’s health. I even go with call Tron, then poke out a c.RK and they eat the remaining Tron rings with it if it sweeps.

Of course, if they know how to roll, then it’s worthless. However, XBL has a wealth of people who don’t know one of the most basic defense moves in the game…

Ok, that c.FP -> Dive DHC Drones is comical. The hit stun is just ridiculous.

tharimrattler, have you been working on any new teams for Colossus?
I like to use rogue/colossus/(juggs/ken/sakura/charlie/bb hood), though not all those teams have good chemistry, lol.

ken/colossus/tronne is decent. I have been screwing around with that team in online player matches.

Other than that I’ve just been sharpening my storm/sent/col team, and damn it is getting mean =)

We have to get in some games man! SSCol wars are too fun.