i’m not going anymore. talk to cj about the room.
I have $500 on you vs babywolverine. Shit is free dawg.
How would you get any better if you were always the one winning? Just take advantage of the fact that you get to play with me, hence one of the best players.
Losing is a part of growing.
Your boy,
come on norcal, win that free money!!!
i dont play this game enough to excel. I CANT EVEN LAND A COMBO.
long mighty and imree aka jmar jr in the HOUSE. good stuff last night.
woo, long got in ur ass. no homo.
possibly play 2nite whos down?
bump for nor cal’s best!
lol marvel online.
tell me why ima be MIA playing this.
woo, lets play dark pheonix online ALL DAY!
Shang Tsung Voice
MvC2 online demo will be available last week of April aka anytime soon. Crizzle, hit me up when this happens so we can
HOLY CRAP they named an SRK thread after me! HA HA HA!!
Sorry I’m lame and like NEVER post on here, I’ll try to do that more often either as DP or Codiac…
It was great playing you all when I came to visit - good times were had by all! Hope I didn’t embarrass AZ w/ the 1995 gameplay tactics ha ha ha!
“Chunksta” (8:53:07 PM): “I DIDNT DO THAT”
“Chunksta” (8:53:11 PM): and then u say
"Chunksta" (8:53:18 PM): “are u calling marvel a liar?”
We playing or what.
You paying or what?
see round here? we like to go DAAUMB on MAHVEL!!!
Real talk…I think Norcal sucks…
Niggas need to step it up for evo… Niggas need to help each other…
I won’t show you everything, but i’ll show you something.
Show me something plz
You know what primo? tu siempre hablan veradad. we need to hella step our game up bcuz it’s gonna be ugly when we go to vegas unprepared. we’re all available to play but ppl is moving to sf4 which i don’t see that it’s a problem. we still play but we need to tell each others weaknesses and find ways to correct or prevent the problem and undergo situations. i have just as much battle exp. as the next player but we can’t keep no secrets. we must train harder and i’m availble for that. no hay problema.
i usually talk to you, crizzle, korngo, and seej about situations. and i want to help many playerz around my area also.
btw teach me MSP that team is god like:pray: a.k.a. the incorporation. i know your MSP is worse than crizzles and i mean that in a good way:wink:
yo habla contigo lluego.
peace out cUDDY:cool:
who cares if we suck at a game that’s 10 years old lol JUST DO IT
JUST DO IT LIKE NIKE AND KEEP IT HYPHY!!! and thats on sita’s.