"are you calling marvel a liar" -DARK PHEONIX

day and night,

i toss and turn, i keep stressssssing my miiiind.

you guys need to come to my tourney in march, concord marvel heads wanna see how they stack up against you. dr.dill and phumighty and artzephone, are not to be slept on these days.

will arthur be in the actual tourey though? or will be in the tourney for who can cupcake the longest on the phone =x

i bet arthur will play histourney matches WHILE on the phone =xxxxxxxx

Why I can be there later on tonight, or tommorow or for a bit on friday.
Thanks Dub-mighty~

I can give you some tomorrow or Friday. Friday better.

Arthur has a new gf, she let’s him play mahvel

No worries Woo~
Friday is fine, I’ll be there at like 9:30ish.
Later Albert

day and night

i think for for first, but surely finish last.

I’ll come up to your tourney npartovi, if your female roommate is there =x

Okay, mashing begins today. Let’s get serious. Does it make you feel bad losing to scrub tactics?!

Only when you do it.


chunksta, report to the batcave asap

hahahahah, its actually my brothers roommate, but she should be there delivering redbulls for the tourney.

Ill see you and hopefully your fellow goonies there.

P.S when you coming back down here to play, you too korngo.

I’m down to pick up Korngo maybe. Let me know.

dayum, big shit’s a poppin. and lil’ shit’s stoppin. what’s really goin on?

well, i think korngo just takes amtrack down here and we pick him up in the same city, propabably easier than driving all the way out there. korngo, stay the night to.

Fosho, imma give her wings and fast fly combos xD!

Npartovi, you the man! i’ll bring a 30-pack of that bud-lizzight!

Korngo, im in the rapmobile, LETS GO


yo, where is the marvel tonight? i need to game it up. getting too rusty. let me know!!!

i cant beat woomighty with santhrax, but i can beat him with blackheart/ironman/mag.

wootorious, leave me alone??

Isucks. Low tier ftw.

Kelly, call me or Chunk.