"are you calling marvel a liar" -DARK PHEONIX

I remember when nEEEzy said “Tell me why this guy ryan does everything unsafe and still manages to survive”…Well nEEEzy, this quote can relate to reality on what happened on November 1st. Me, IFC zack, and filipino 720 lancerthrill danger zone almost killed us on freeway 101 north towards santa barbara.

I don’t know how I am still alive right now, it doesn’t make any sense. Me, zack, and ryan should be dead, no joke.

At the same time though, shit was badass and we got special footage to be posted soon for all of our SRK fans. We relate marvel to real life.

Anyways, i am down to play marvel tonight or chill. I just wanna get my shit together.

I am so “lucky” to be alive right now.

Thank God. en el nombre del padre y del hijo, y el espiritu santo


whoa thats crazy, we been in alot of car incidents related to marvel but managed to pull though. I’m also glad your alive, seriously, I would have quit this game a long time ago if it werent for you.

im’ glad the low damage master Ryan, and zachATTACK are ok too.

i’m down for marvel at zachs 2nite. In the name of the father, son, holy spirit, and marvel.


Thank you man. And this is not the end of the story. There is a whole lot more to come!

strider give me power!

everyone dont forget to VOTE.

vote NO on MARVEL.

-its unfair
-and makes people want to “choke you”-zach

woo360 owns me.

Hello Marvel!


You have been blessed primo, I am glad that ya’ll are safe:sweat:.

praise the lord:pray:

angels are on your side:angel:

and now it’s time to fly!

Tell me why zack’s mom is so fucking fine omg.

Zack’s mom, “woop woop woop TURN THAT SHIT OFF”


Woo360 “adjusts glasses”

nEEEzy moves the car out of zack’s mom’s driveway

Uli pops out of the cuts

me mashing


Oh yeah tinh wants to do a 2 on 2 sometime this week or next week. Tinh/Mikey want to play me and ???

Im thinking (???) crizzle, korngo, neeezy, spaghetti eddy, tony tigermash, or freejay can team up with me.

it’s for $$$ and for fun.

im making a personal bet on this.

I like cableguy/woo over tinh/mikey for $50. anyone want to match me let me know. thankz

bronson/chunk. lets go hahaah




Perfects suck.

i heard this guy woo360 got a perfect in tournament.

wheres vietxan, lets get on that crakkk.

:woot::wgrin::woot: Damn Woomighty is ballin’ outrageou$
What will you do with all that money?
. . .:lovin:

yo, its november, when is NCR??

I doubt there will be a NCR this year.

:rofl: Damn, just made my day.

killa proton KELLY! WHERE YOU BEEN. we gotta have a serious match between you and woo360, guy’s ironman on fire lately.

heres his match at evolution.


neezy, ive been here in salinas doing pretty much nothing. im down to have some matches with the grimey one. I havent been playing much, but it should be aight. so it looks like no NCR This year? thats a shame if there isnt gonna be one. Ill see what i can do about getting up there sometime, unless seejay goes up there on certain days. then i can just catch a ride with him.


WOO MIGHTY gave me $10 tonight! Wow way to go Albert.

Only $118 to go~**

i wanna play mahveeeeeel.
