Hey can the next person who sees Albert Woo, kick that bitch right in the head or his nuts!!?? I’d really appriciate it! :wgrin::lovin::woot:**
Whoa! those are some surrious results Neezy.
- Crizzle
- Los A.K.A. CHucKY you mother fock!!!
- Neezy(what happoned???)
- blk_brotha(that was who you were missing:rolleyes:)
- Chunk(lost to blk_brotha)(what’s goin on round here???)
and there ya go.
peace out cUDDY:cool:
i got you vs chunk on film!!! and the close ass finals of THE MUNSTA vs -=CHucKY=-!!!
most serious tournament, i’ve ever seeeeeeeeeen!!!
Damn, i got molywhopped like a hamburger paddy X_X
Blk brotha caught me off guard with his robot stompin on mine worse than how woo stomps me. His patterns were indescribable that i couldn’t even adapt!
Moreover, i tried mashing my way out of losers, but nEEEzy eliminates me with the smartstuff.
I just got out of school and im ready to play the grimeyness again.
Someone plz teach me how to triangle jump! I feel like i got cableguy fingers. X_X!
Call me, I’m down to play, even at arcade mania cry
Yas!! them Destiny Battles. Millenium Matches.
this marvel stuff is gettin real seroius. I hear Los was up but threw the match? Korngo please explain.
i’m down 4 marvel 2nite at ifc “i cant jump” zachs house.
I hope Los and korngo and make it. I wanna learn from those guysss.
woomighty “marvel online?! they aint seein me on keyboard” dkgti342tioueasthk;gdh43634tyg
**Yeah here is my chance~:woot::wgrin:
Right in the nuckin’ futs!!!**
will someone please post crizzle vs FREE JAY ft10 in Las Vegas where crizzle uses SANTHRAX. I dont think Chunk or I ever beat cj with thrax that bad.
After he mollywhoped him,
“I am sentinel”
too epic
me > albert woo
strider/doom so free?
to everyone going to SB3 BRING HOME THE TROPHY
Woogrimefree lol
nEEEzy, free jay got bodied worse than our santhraxs compared to crizzle’s. I must agree on that lol.
Come holla at me when im back from ohio!
GET EM Chunk!
YaS! do tha damn thang along with my niggs crizzloskis is gettin ahead of tha game holler!!! I am the New Dark Prince of Marvel!!! Come see me at the TILT-skis.
I hate svgl sticks.
dghkdjgfhd AHHHHHH.
i’m seriously making this into a shirt.
DO IT. I’ll wear it.
You better cut me a slice of that cheeze tonight, a big slice!!!