"are you calling marvel a liar" -DARK PHEONIX

I can make it today. where do i go?

I’m down to play MvC2 today. I get off work at 4:00 p.m.

Get at me.

come to FF and i will house you chunk!

Sorry Tyram, I can’t go because:

  1. Gas is expensive.

  2. My car is a 4-wheel drive which takes up twice as much gas as a regular car.

  3. I lost my $134.00 check and I am so fuckin angry because of that.

4)Life is not fair, period.



Madeinca and Imiri at Woo mansion right now. Come and get owned!

I gotta drive down to ya’ll some time and get some console games on, f’n gas prices can bite me tho.

never get casuals with this guy chunk, he always on our only stick D:

Korngo, I heard what happened in concord man…shit sucks. Good stuff going to school/getting a job tho.

**what about The Black Rob? Don’t you love me too Albert? **

Anyone wanna play at the Woo mansion?

this guyyy Woo, I’ll be back in the bay next Monday. I’m down to play in the Woomansion then!

Aite woo, im gonna go to your mansion. But please try not to get bodied so bad this time.

I have an all employee meeting at 7 p.m. till 7:30 p.m. I’ll be there at 8 FO SHO

PS Madeinca, you don’t want it son.

gg’s woo. we’ll have to play again. :karate:

Do you mean Body Odor-ed? Like he stank? :confused:

No. I meant he got his ass kicked really bad because he wasn’t playing good that day.


**Ooohhh, I see…


Days like those sometimes cost him


money that he can’t afford to lose…[/COLOR]**


:arazz: :mad: :arazz:


hey guys

what was that fuckin raver ass song on marvel on that TV with the bass at Axis?

that song was fuckin hype, i need to find it

good luck neeezy and chunk on your mm next week!! ill be side betting with you guys

see jay: “now what i look like/and if it aint money, than i dont look right”

Where is the gaming at?!?!?! Evo is around the corner!

i’m down to play tomorrow nite.

where at though?

we already got money matches that will accumulate $10,000.


How come Albert doesn’t love me no more!?!?!