QUOTE=Button_m4sh;4444544]opips2: go to account options->(edit my album settings)
and change the
my album is: “Private”
to “public”
I find my album is “private” to public ! :rock:
QUOTE=Button_m4sh;4444544]opips2: go to account options->(edit my album settings)
and change the
my album is: “Private”
to “public”
I find my album is “private” to public ! :rock:
i’m down for helping out. as for the labeling of folders, wouldn’t it be easier to just do it like:
Custom Built Sticks —> “username” —> “1 stick per folder with explanation of stick parts”
not trying to tell you what to do or anything, i just noticed that some guys mix parts and it might be confusing for someone that has a Happ stick with Sanwa buttons on what folder (does it go into the Happ folder or the Sanwa folder?) it goes into; as well as some random person that doesn’t know anything about arcade parts and is trying to learn…
I never heard that some guy mix parts for happ and sanwa on custom joystick. if mix parts on custom joystick is not for resale. sorry! :wasted:
I was thinking about the whole part mixing thing as well. My thought is that either the sticks go into folders based on only the type of joystick used, or they go into folders for the joystick and then subfolders for button types, and then maybe a nother subfolder for button layout.
I totally agree with this. Especially when it comes to custom sticks. It’s more about the builder’s personal style rather than which particular brand the stick is using.
Although I must admit, I rather like the current set up we already have. I would much rather look through numerous forum pages with pictures of sticks and read the various reactions, opinions, and feedback that goes with them. Much more entertaining than rummaging through numerous galleries. Plus, many of the major stick builders on here already have photobucket galleries/webpages already linked to in the Trading Forum or elsewhere. Those are the sticks I am most interested in referencing anyway. I think we should start an I love my custom stick VOL.II and also a thread where people can simply post links to the galleries they already have of their own sticks. Just my two cents.
Having a “Helpful Images” gallery is brilliant.
I’m down for whatever. I have an account for the SRK wiki, but that photo site is a great idea since people just gawk at thread for pics anyway to get some ideas for their sticks. Like you said, toss in links and such like blue-print, and all that jazz.
:tup: to this idea and thread.
:lol: darn right!
yeah, i like lurking this thread too. the photobucket would be a more permanent solution to complement it. many of the links earlier in the thread are broken, so the communal account would be a good way to save the links. also saves bandwidth(maybe?).
you can still lurk this thread too and the next one
but having them all in one place helps the people that like having things in front of them organized and in its place
kudos to everyone
If the builders would comply, you could even have a “best of” collection/album for each one (TMO, Birdie…etc.).
sorry i haven’t been on top of this guys.
don’t worry i haven’t forgotten, i’ve just been very busy lately.
:tdown: to me
:wonder: You could also add your stick pix to your albums in your SRK profile page like I did:
:tup: Nice work on that site BTW, I’ll have to check it all out sometime… dood!