normally that religious beliefs thing is code for i’m scared, but i’ll vouch that gouki10 is actually a religious kid. plus he’s a monster in historical facts. ask him about my man charles lemagne, king of france. learn em something.
thats charlemagne lol
not to gouki10. it’s actually charles lemagne. swear to god.
C’mon now. Y’all know the rule. If your username has Akuma or Gouki in it you’re most likely a dumbass. This is SRK law.
the day those words got uttered, me, garvin, and peter were dying. too funny.
You guys should have been here when david went EMO.
Mashes CVS2 with Hibiki
David: WTF?
goes to options
David: changes buttons THAT’s why I keep getting cut.
Everyone else:
Me: Nigga YOU’RE the one with the sword. How the fuck do you cut yourself?
ozzy…shut up lol, yo call me up for CvS2, let’s try and build up that game’s scene here. Danny, Nelson, and I are actually playing it. lol
What do you expect, i was a 14 year old Streetfighter junkie lol. Anyway i hope i can make it out to this.
change your srk name and your game will step up automatically. scrub name = scrub player.
For that i need 1 year of Premium, i’ll wait till i got some cash.
Anybody here leaving from the Sunrise/Fort Lauderdale region if so maybe we could link up and try to arrange something. Ah, Im down for CvS2 if anybody needs a veteran at the game, appraoch me we’ll see whats up.
cvs2/KOFXI < if there is any>
Yo calm why didnt u inform me bout this one. Also hit me up for this weekend to make sure.
CvS2, AC
I’ll go to this one so I don’t have people hunting me down later.
Yea and im in that hunt group!
YA i must cause i like your sister, but we do need your ass:looney: on ST if you lerned how to play…
what’s rocky’s?
Gouki, all i know about you is what flash and black and white ozzy tells me. They say you’re a faggot. They say you suck. They say you’re shit garbage. I’ll take their word for you. Why the fuck would I play you ft7 for free to see who’s better? There hasn’t been a simpler question as to who’s better since your mother asked if she gave better head or your sister.
Incognegro…this is Brent O’Brien, mummy-b’s old roommate. You stole multiple shit from me, and van told me you stole a stick from his house, which you said you thought it was mixup’s, which mixup’s replied he’s never owned a goblin.
To sum it up, you steal (glasses, licqour, beer, soda, money, games, controllers and God knows what you’ve stolen from people’s home). And I’m not gonna put my address and number on srk. Call someone in gville that knows me and they can get you in touch with me. I want my shit back you fucking theif. And don’t ever bring your kids to my house again you fucking bum. I didn’t sign up for being a daycare center.
P.S. Incognegro aka Divine (i’m not being fair, anyone named divine starts life as a piece of shit), stop stealing. And stop playing marvel, which you suck at, while your gf takes care of your babies at home. Be a fucking man. It’s a video game.
Rick Fn Stalvey
CVS2 singles and teams
gdlk. fucking divine bday party celebration. What would be served as refreshments? Powdered milk and foodstamp applepie?
Oh hey guys, I think I’ma have a gville tournament for garvin’s birthday some day in July. Free housing at my crib. Let’s celebrate. Oh, Divine’s banned cause I don’t feel like nailing everything down and keeping an eye on my shit…fucking theif.
there’s cvs2 teams? oh shit. i need a partner.
Updated List
Singles Main Tournaments:
Capcom vs Snk 2
- Calm Warrior
- doujinshi2001
- Glitch
- Ryantherobot
- nothingxs
- Adam Warlock
- Random Super
- ZeroG (tentative)
- Biggzy
- Seishin
- Stabby
- Rick Fn Stalvey
Marvel vs Capcom 2
- Calm Warrior
- DivineTenken
- Adam Warlock
- Random Super
- Pushblocksavelife
- monzanrath
- Biggzy
SF3: 3S
- Calm Warrior
- Nothingxs
- doujinshi2001
- Glitch
- ryantherobot
- R.P.D. Rookie
- Humcast
- BenReed
- Random Super
- ZeroG (tentative)
- DarkHokage
- Biggzy
Guilty Gear XX Slash/Accent Core
- Botagel
- Biggzy
- Stabby
Justin- you got divine mixed up. That’s my boy james you have never meet him and he’s a straight forward and stand up dude yo. Who is Dark Akuma?
NXS/Mavrick- Call me
I’ll post up team info tommorow. Also is anyone going to need a room and for what nights.