hmm, seems like i am a little late but what the hell…
I will be leaving for HK on April 20th (wednesday) for HK, and I was just wondering where the hotspots are for 3S
Any SRKer’s still going to be around HK until then?? I leave on the 27th
PS. I will be returing to HK AGAIN in May 20-ish, so head-ups to any SRKers
PPS. I will be going back to HK AGAIN in August 1st, so head-head-ups
I am now working in China, so it’s hella cheap to go back from here, compared to Toronto :pleased:
lots of arcades everywhere… i can’t even begin to list them all off the top of my head… the only place i went to consitently was Diamond Hill Arcade… in Hollywood Mall… the 3S competition there blew… i pulled a 20 win streak… not worth playing LOL. I might have just missed the good competition
I went to the one at Causeway Bay (The Causeway Bay Mall? The One near the Exit B at the MTR???) and there were no comp there…there was one guy playing, and he didnt even want to play me
Yeah I played a few guys there, nice cabs although I’m kinda weird and like to stand up when I play.
The comp. seemed real good (3S), lots of Ryu players I noticed.
Hello !!! Everyone !! I am Chinese and I am living in HK !!
Most of the people play KOF (98, 02) in HK and I can tell you KOF is their life (Not for me, I play MvC2) !!!