Arcade Infinity--Closing FEB.26th

hey who am i:

hey everyone, im here to RUIN YOUR LIFE

hint: rhymes with DBD

In the spirit of Caesar’s Palace… togas at EVO 2010.

duralath for president


Snowflakes with 5 or 8 sides are scientifically impossible. Tell your greeting card company to step their molecule game up.

BROga PARTY evo 2010.:annoy:

bro flakes

“bro storm hits the southland” news at 11

stand by, ok!
eliver, i know you’re down

Isn’t Survivor 19 taking place in Samoa?

Morongo huh

if ken hoang can do it why can’t we


Didn’t Kai already win this tournament?

ggs to everyone today, i was the purple jin player and viper player

Other way around

You mean the tournament won Kai?

Yup. Tournament won Kai’s soul and wallet

What a prize!

Don’t trust the police. No justice, no peace.

Let’s not talk about this.

But 3 or 12 side snowflakes are stil ok right??