Arcade Infinity--Closing FEB.26th

Tushar you owe me money.


yo you have to see the uncensored version of this video, tittys in showers everywhere! juss wanna motor boat em


3s revival, lets do this.

I posted this up in the TTG thread in SFIV discussion but wanted to post it here as well for those that were wondering what happened to the stream:

Alright, I know a lot of people tuned in to see the stream and just saw a black screen. Turns out the wireless connection at AI is actually not great at all which I was not informed about until after I had gotten there and tried to connect. I had asked in advance if we could do a hard wire connection to the router but this idea was kind of frowned upon due to the cord that would just be lying in the middle of the floor from the machine across the arcade to the office which I understood this and still do. I did try to go next door to pay the beauty salon to access their internet for the day to stream but out of all the days they were shooting a commercial so I couldn’t even go inside . Anyway, I have asked the owner and arrangements have been made to hook up a very very long ethernet cord from the machine, behind all the machines, and to the office. Thank you for all your patience everyone and thank you AI for giving me the opportunity to do this. Also, top 8 was recorded and I will go ahead and ul that hopefully starting tomorrow if I don’t get too bombarded with work in the morning.

-Tha Hindu


i lol’d as well :wonder:


I love hugging Kurt <3

who likes their chinese extra salty?

Me…Soy Sauce on Rice for life…:karate:


Is it just me or does that sound vaguely racist?

i like my chinese takeout with sriracha sauce

Sriracha sauce is legit. I douse almost any food in it.

Sanchez, those wings were lackin on spice yesterday son. I’m going with the Blazin sauce next time.

-Tha Hindu


What he said.

wasn’t obvious enough? :3

What WoW class has that ability?

exactly what i was thinking. :rofl:

sriracha aka rooster sauce >>>>>>>>> tapatio