Arcade cabinet sold

You willing to bring it to EVO?


I’ll let that go for $200. But its just the cabinet wired for xbox.

As long as you pay for transport. I will throw in the TV as well and my toolbox with a bunch of sticks and buttons for Jam/American for the cabinet and what ever else i can find that is related to this.

Glad to hear it. I really did think you were quite upset.

It’s not a case of retracting my statement, i already said I disagree with you on a number of issues, what i was meant was i dont want to kick a man when he’s down.

My sig wasnt a direct quote, it was a joke in the context of the discussion on another thread.

Anyway, now that’s cleared up and all is well i can get back to calling you the spokesman of the butthurt generation :wink:

I dont know how i answer who i am. I’m Elton Chong some random HDretard scrub i guess.

Anyway, good luck with the sale. I wont derail the thread any further.

And you’ll be back, i put my house on it. Once you’ve eaten a few boxes of cigars and had some timeout you’ll have a different outlook on things.

No i wont. The only reason i played was for the comp. Now i have starcraft 2 for that and its even better cuz i dont have HDRtards riding my cock all day. I’m just another scrub in the crowd.

Damn. Incredibly powerful quote. I always have that idea in mind. Every player should.

Not if he kills himself.

Is their anyways anybody can change your mind about all this cigar? You know with the whole quiting st thing? It would be a huge loss if you do.


The funny thing is that I quit months ago. I don’t think but a few people even noticed i wasn’t coming around any more.

I didn’t want to make a big deal out of me bowing out. So i just did it quietly and turned my back on it.

But a big man like you going crazy with the keyboard and mouse is not as manly as you rocking the joystick, scoring a well timed dp or a reverse mk rekka setup :slight_smile:

Bob is having his mid-life crisis moment (j/k). I think he should follow his instinct. I mean, like he said he has money. If he ever changes his mind he could always buy GMC again and build another cab. But like he said, he has made up his mind for now.

I meant I donated all my vintage gaming stuff (tons of snes stuff) to goodwill @ 2009 too, which I have kept for almost 20 years. Maybe one day I’ll regret it but for now, I just wish someone bought them cheap and enjoyed them as I did many years ago.

CB didn’t win EVO, but he’s one of the best offline players that adapt so well to online play. Anyone who has spectated his matches would agree.

The biggest lost is that Bob knows so much about ST (like giga), just playing him / asking him about stuff during the match are very valuable for a lot of st players. I personally benefit a lot for those few months that bob was still active on ggpo. He taught me stuff (and I also steal things from him).

Thanks big guy.

i noticed you werent comming around ggpo and im sure most everyone else did too. i agree the game is a bottomless pit. ive been spending alot of time playing and feeling like im getting nowhere. i often say to myself “what the hell am i doing dedicating so much time to this shit for?” . my goal isnt to be the best though…i just want to be able to compete with the best.

i always tell myself … "its just a game"
it is, isnt it?!

i mean…really, what is the point of playing? even if you were the best, and could say, i am the best player of all time…what then?

it gets to a point where “fun” is no longer in the equation. eventually the game is no longer about entertainment and its about winning, or proving something to yourself. its some kind of addiction really.

capcom is the only real winner…

This game is a mother fucking time vampire, that’s for damn sure.

I’m kinda in the same place as some people here. I still love this game. I just don’t have time for it anymore. Still, I keep up with the scene and videos because at least I maintain some exposure to it. I play Sim, so its still worthwhile for me to watch Gain, KKY, etc just to remind me of how matches should be played.

If fun is no longer part of the equation, then by all means you should stop. However, if all you care about is being the best, as in, that’s the only thing on your mind, then you’ll never have fun, since you care more about your reputation as a player than the game itself. Given the ST scene right now, chances are I’m probably never going to win ST at EVO (whether it be the main event or site tourney) or SBO, but frankly I don’t care. I still care about ST for three reasons: 1) I want to keep the scene alive so that on the rare occasion I DO get a chance to play, I have people who have some some clue as to what they’re doing; 2) I want to continue to improve my understanding of Sim and his matchups, how they should and should not be played, what anti-airs beat what, etc., because it is more about self improvement for me as a player than it is wins. I could lose 100 times, but if I learned something in each of those 100 times, I’d still have a blast because it means I learned something that could be used to improve myself so that the next time I’ll be better prepared; and 3) because if I don’t care, then why should anybody else care enough to pick it up?

I don’t care if it’s cliche. As Ryu said: “The fight is everything.” If you forget that, then you should stop playing…

EDIT. Does anybody know what the song is at the beginning of this video


DESPERATE ATTEMPT: Any chance for volume 2 coming out?



Ummmmm Ummmmm I really dont even know what to say.

I really think he should pay for that program though. That shit is annoying.

Ha ha ha. This is gold.

Fed ex’ing bob some Vaseline as we speak.

How great would it be to retire just after beating rocky rose and shutting up his mouth… Most beautiful retirement ever.

CigarBoB: Email sent. I hope it’s still available!

Those are some funny shit. The cornfield reference is priceless. Talking about being salty lol.

That guy plays crappy HF port on XBL with a lag switch using turbo…

Not sure if it is an imposer or not but rockyrose was on ggpo last weekend. Willyd caught him using turbo with input watcher, and then he logged out and never came back.

And BTW CigarGirl is using Bob’s account now. This is lame.