If you want you could add me on Xbox my name is the same on here Clonedpickle
Thanks. I’ve REALLY wanted to fill my friends list with other PW players
No Problem
haven’t played a gdlk pw since Froggy/owo, and that was months ago. would be interesting to face another one and see what he can do. I live on the East Coast and GT is in my sig if anyone would like to add me
I also have a (admittedly ass) PW team since he’s kinda fun to play
I don’t have a godlike PW haha but I’ll add ya
if you guys are still doing this im “El Negro Garka” in xbox live add me i main Wright
Hey I’m playing UMVC3 again after months of not playing and was wondering if any wrights want to have fun player matches. WARNING:I’m rusty as hell XD
Hey I’m playing UMVC3 again after months of not play and was wondering if any wrights want to have fun player matches. WARNING:I’m rusty as hell XD
Hey are there any Wright players who still use this thread? I would love to learn from some of you guys, would anyone like to play me? I have Xbox and PS3 both my gamertag is Thunderfang747.
Still looking for Wright players to play with…just know that I suck BADLY(Still learning). I don’t care on skill anyone is welcomed