Any hype for this game left?

Cvs2 isn’t hard to play. All of the information is out there. Newer players can pick the game up pretty quickly just from playing for a month or two. Leaving the SF4 mentality behind is the challenge.

Btw a port done by Iron Galaxy would be the best thing that could happen for the game.

has anyone hear tried playing this over psxc2 netplay or demul netplay i have both emulators setup but nobody to test it with

Most of the new players i introduced to CvS2 are really intrested, a lot of the 09ers are now bored with sf4 and as we all know CvS2 has soooo much more to offer. I have to say most of the sf4 players have good basics and thats a good base for playing CvS2, as i said before i started a regular tournament here in berlin and half of the players that enter the tournament are newschool sf4 players!
You have to support your local community dude, i hacked consoles for people so they can play it, i burned dvd´s with matchfootage, combovideos, frame data guides, tutorials and faqs for the new players, basicly just support the game and the people who are willing to pick it up :slight_smile:

Dreamcasts and PS2 are very cheap today, the dreamcast doesnt even need any mods to read cdrs, the ps2 is easy to hack with mc free boot. I also want to note that you can actually use your old dreamcast on your new screens, it has vga output which greatly improves the resolution, colours and contrast, super crisp picture. One of the newschool players i got into cvs2 practices on pc by using an emulator, there are so many ways to get access to the game. If you really love the game please support it, at least try instead of finding ways not to play or support it cause its somehow inconvenient or something.

I live in Canadian Midwest and there is still a decent amount of players in cvs2. Of course though, we’ve had to do pretty similar things to what you have been doing such as hacking consoles and constant discussion about the game. Surprisingly though, a lot of these players around where we live are just people bored of KOFXIII and Marvel.

The only way to build up hype for this game is by getting more people to play and that can take up a lot of your time. But it’s worth it in the end.