I’d have been tempted to throw the penguin back. The whale could have easily capsized the boat in order to get to it.
yep, this seal wasnt as lucky though.
makes me wonder why killer whales pretty much kill anything except humans. maybe they’re intelligent enough to know what the repercussions would be.
edit: my mistake. they didnt kill the seal.
cute puppy harasses cat whilst it tries to eat
what breed of cat is this?
Okay, this shit’s getting suspicious. Somewhere there’s a red-headed guy who doesn’t give a damn what slides the ol’ velvet torpedo into…
[SIZE=4]Crocodile turns orange after chewing through pipe filled with tannins[/SIZE]



[LEFT]Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2044346/Crocodile-turns-orange-chewing-pipe-filled-tanins-Melbourne.html#ixzz1ZfdlpdGY[/LEFT]
[SIZE=4]WTF, gull launches aerial attack on unsuspecting EAGLE[/SIZE]

Is this an attack on america? lol
This fearless common gull launched an attack on a white-tailed Sea Eagle in the skies above Norway, before stealing some feathers and escaping the bird of pre
The most seagulls I’ve seen were in Seattle, which is close to Canada… it all makes sense now! America’s Hat is revolting!
By looking at that eagles eye I’m thinking it might be blind… or am I wrong?
Great British Bake Off viewers shocked by ‘explicit’ image of male squirrel
Animal’s graphic TV appearance watched by millions

The squirrel has become a sensation on social networking sites. Journalist Caitlin Moran tweeted: 'How is it managing to drag them up tree?
Clearly that’s a photoshop. That doesn’t look like a Black Squirrel.
Birds of prey have a natural sheath to protect their eyes when attacking their prey or feasting on the deep innards of their prey.
Bored girlfriend who only took up fishing to spend more time with her man smashes his record catch with a 215lb catfish




[LEFT]Read more: [COLOR=#003399]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2045950/Woman-angler-took-fishing-spend-time-boyfriend-smashes-record-catch-215lb-catfish.html#ixzz1a0LsqR5C[/COLOR][/LEFT]
That last picture looks like hentai in the making. Funny story, though.
[SIZE=4]Albino squirrel goes nuts for its own reflection[/SIZE]
it looks almost ghost-like.
Crazy stories, good stuff
[SIZE=4]Praying mantis tucks into goldfish after LIFTING it out of bowl[/SIZE]
This’ll do me: Much to the horror of the other goldfish the mantis wanders off with its catch
[LEFT]Read more: [COLOR=#003399]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2036140/I-think-Ill-fish-lunch-Pet-praying-mantis-tucks-goldfish-LIFTING-bowl.html#ixzz1a3JONh1Y[/COLOR][/LEFT]
Praying Mantises are my favorite insects for this very reason.
[SIZE=4]I’m big enough to clean my own face, mum! Rare baby Amur tiger looks less than impressed by his mother’s attentions[/SIZE]
Oh mum! Iris gives one of her triplets a loving lick - but he looks less than impressed
The tiny cub play fights with his mother as the family makes it’s first public appearance at Royev Ruchey zoo in Russia’s Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk
The trio were born on August 5 and are named Kaktus, Jasmin and Narciss
One of the seven-week-old cubs tries out his fighting face
[LEFT]Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2043165/Russias-Royev-Ruchey-Zoos-rare-baby-Amur-tiger-looks-impressed.html#ixzz1a7H3wPZN[/LEFT]
[SIZE=4]Man accused of animal cruelty walks free from court after filming himself eating a live baby RAT[/SIZE]
[LEFT]I’m not linking the video or any pics from this article.[/LEFT]