Can anyone throw out some Ryu tips? What are his non-CC BnB combos? Meaty combos?
Also, I am embarrased to ask, but how do you throw level 2 and 3 fireballs? A guide at gamefaqs says QCFx2 + PP or PPP, but that doesn’t seem to be working.
Can anyone throw out some Ryu tips? What are his non-CC BnB combos? Meaty combos?
Also, I am embarrased to ask, but how do you throw level 2 and 3 fireballs? A guide at gamefaqs says QCFx2 + PP or PPP, but that doesn’t seem to be working.
I don’t really play Ryu but his regular bnb combos are crouching forward, crouching hp, or low jab, low short into a fireball. For level 2 or 3 supers just press 2 or 3 punch or kick buttons at the same time. Unless your playing on a keyboard that shouldn’t be too hard to do.
Auto mode would probably get you killed in a tourney play. Not even sure how it affects customs as I never used it.
For the sj Custom I seem to get slightly better damaged if I start off with forward or roundhouse and than switch to short during the jump. I rarely ever seem to get all the hits if I just use short when you do a level 3 custom. Just use whatever works best for you and what you get the most damage from. For a level 1 custom I seem to get the most damage with a slide super jump hk, hk, fk, Stinger fk/hk. Generally does about 45% or so damage. It’s on par with Chun Li’s and Sagat’s level 1 customs. A low Stinger can combo into a low fk, or a low hp. It’s easier if their in the corner but can be done from anywhere. When their in the corner you can do repeated low fk cancel into stinger. People who have never played a good Rolento don’t always know how to deal with it, depending on their skill level. If they cancel your stinger with a fireball up close you can counter with low hp or custom. Another anti-fireball is sj, custom in air, jumping mp, patriot circle, sj. Does about 65% damage or so and is useful in certain situations if you have 3 super levels. Also don’t forget about his anti air customs. You just have to learn which characters jumping attacks can trade with your anti airs.
I generally use her customs slighty more than illusions. She has a long reach on her crouching hk. A level 1 custom crouching hk, qcf+sk, qcf+hk, fp soul throw does about 40% damage. Her level 3 version of that does about 65% damage. You can combine illusions with the level 2 super. Still does about 10% damaged if blocked. If you knock them down and they don’t roll do a soul illusion crossup into your 5 hit bnb combo. Will do about 50% damage if they blocked the wrong way.
I have a question of tactics with Sagat in A2, are there ANY good uses for his Tiger Knee? I really have a hard time with the wierd hit box that move has. (I know his CC’s with the knee)
Well, if you want to cover ground fast you could try to use the tiger knee. I don’t know how safe the knee is on block and stuff through. I always found it a bit dissapointing that the knee doesn’t knock down …
Other than customs and corner juggles with a Tiger Uppercut It’s really not that useful from what I remember. I think it’s relatively safe on block. Not sure on a low roundhouse CC.
The knee knocks down on some characters… i think? (going from hazy memory here)
If it does knockdown, I believe you can link uppercut afterwards… Can you super? Or is that only HSFA?
…and no, it’s not safe on block, but to be honest, I doubt very many people will punish you for it. Probably even squeeze out a few uppercuts/customs/supers on people trying to attack after blocking the knee. Or even dumber stuff like cancel into the knee, then throw them. Especially on GGPO with the timings issues and stuff.
But, for the record, no. not safe. (i don’t think? lol)
Anyone have any Gen tips?
any BnB no-meter combos for guy?
right now i’ve got:
– bushin chain: s.LP, s.MP, s.HP, s.HK
– s.HP, qcb + LP
– c.LK, qcb + LK
– c.MK, qcb + MK (or HK)
yeah… i’m trying to learn guy right now.
He’s not as good as in A3. At all.
The CC does good damage, though.
I think Sagat’s knee might knock down depending on your distance from your opponent. Some characters you’ll get 2 hits some only 1 hit. You can do the knee uppercut super in the corner. I think the super is slightly easier to time than the uppercut from what I remember. The timing on both is pretty tight.
Playing Gen is kind of an uphill battle. Try to land his custom as his supers are only semi useful. I thought you could combo his one super after a throw if I remember right. Haven’t touched Gen in many years. I thought you cuold hit confirm the roll super in Mantis style off of his chains. most of the Crane style normal’s aren’t that good. The crouching forward has good range, but get stuffed by a lot of other normal moves and by customs pretty easy. I’d mostly just stay in Mantis style.
Not a true combo but canceling into a Bushin Grab can catch people sleeping and if close to corner you can combo into your super.
TS is right, Guy isn’t the best char but he can still do some nice damage, exspecially against inexperienced foes. But on to combo related things.
You must know that you can combo after his s. and c. HP also into his HP elbow and not only the LP version. So just like Matow posted. Also noteworthy, that the s.MP, HP thing doesn’t work as consistent like in A3.
The crouch Punches also all combo into his qcb+MK.
The c.MK combos only into the qcb+MK and his Kick Super (lvl 3 to go sure that it connects). but qcb+LP elbow can belinked out of it to build up a custom string. Like c.MK, qcb+LP, MP, qcf+FP, then CC attempt or add another string of your choice to keep up the pressure.
The Bushin Chain is not always a good combo option as punisher. On some chars it doesn’t seem to hit all the time even if clearly executed when standing not in the corner. At least I think so after my last few games (which are a while ago through).
Both supers combo after c.MP and the kick super also after c.LK or when using c.MK (lvl 3 works always if done fast). However, you will mainly stick to your CC’s and AC’s.
Basic lvl 1 CC’s are for example either c.MK/c.HK, qcb+MK, qcb+HK for really good damage or c.MK/c.HK, qcb+HP,qcb+HK.
hi i am realy new to this game…
some bnb stuff with Rose?
(and maybe with sagat too if he worth something… )
low FP, QCF+HK
low SP or FK, QCF+SK
Punch AC, low SP, QCF+SK
low JP, low SP
2 low SP
Sagat is generally considered tier 2 or 3. You can’t really zone with fireballs like you could on older versions of SF.
low strong, TU
low JP, SK, SP, TK
Sagat can also link crouching shorts together… Could be used as a hit confirm for super. You can just link an uppercut after a crouching short too. Dunno if it’s a BnB though… it’s pretty freakin’ tight. Especially on GGPO.
I like meaty crouch fierce. You can link raid super or CC after. Crouch fierce isn’t near CvS2 quality, but it is a decent poke with frame advantage. Something to play around with anyhow.
I would say his best move is jump roundhouse though. lol.
Sagat isn’t much of a combo character. You basically just want to zone the shit out of them with your big legs and land your FAT custom when they give you a chance. He’s not Rose/Chun level of holy-fuck-these-guys-are-way-too-good cheapness, but he’s definitely up there. Having a 50% damage level 1 custom is pretty ridiculous.
Im being serious as I ask this, what does the “n” mean when you cancel to n? (“x n”)
n = number of times you do the move, press the button, etc.
I use Rose, Ken and Ryu, in that order. I always wanted to learn Gen, but the fact that he changes stances is confusing.
Any tips/strats on Akuma?
Yes: Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Air Fireball, need I say more?