Alex patch preview is up

Not really seeing the whole point of removing charge specials from characters that had some pretty iconic moves regarding them; in some cases, the entire character revolved around charges. They want to make SFV a more friendly experience for newer players, but by removing charge specials they’re not really teaching people about the full potential of the game and what Street Fighter has had in the past. And it doesn’t really make sense to remove these charge specials from characters anyways because charging is MUCH more lenient in this game than it was in previous versions.

I was shocked when I found out Vega wasn’t going to be a charge character anymore. At least for me, that was a big part of his identity. The only real true charge characters amongst the cast anymore are Bison and F.A.N.G. Alex has never really been a charge character, I know, but I’m going to miss his some of his charge specials (not near as much as I’ll miss his Spiral D.D.T., but that’s another rant). If I know this fanbase well enough, Capcom better as hell not make anymore of the charge characters being released this year (Urien, Balrog, Guile) into motion characters or have a majority of motion specials. Just give people their charge characters. I couldn’t imagine the backlash Capcom would get if Balrog came out to be a motion character now.

Vega’s redesign has been widely accepted as very well done, and other than a few complainers, most people are happy with it.

Guile is still going to be a charge character. No word on Boxer yet.

Alex’s charge moves were kind of shit.

Well, that’s not entirely true. I mean, he had what, all of two charge moves? One of them served a very important purpose of being able to close large gaps and get in on characters that were trying to zone him out. His stomp was pretty shitty, I’ll give you that. Not as bad as Spiral D.D.T., but still shitty.

I just don’t want charge characters to be seen as archaic in their design with so few of them being left. Sure, it was a niche style to begin with, but one that I feel is ultimately necessary in the core gameplay of Street Fighter.

Charge characters serve an incredibly important role.

Teaching casual players that holding down back is a valuable tool =)

Cannot. Handle. Such. Levels. Of. Retarded. Bullshit.

What? Both moves were pretty useful, elbow for closing distances and punish whiff normals with EX.

Stomp was usefull for punishing fireballs and was low invulnerable.

Do you even know what are you talking about?

I see a lot of people saying that stomp and elbow are not good moves, not just here
In my opinion they were ok moves, but the ex were very good
Also since it’s a new game they could do something about that and upgrade those moves
I don’t get why they are removing charge moves and put a character like f.a.n.g in the game

Vega’s moves were never good enough to warrant charge except Scarlet Terror in SF4.

Looks like Capcom is trying to link the thought that charge = defensive style

That would explain vegas transformation to motion with a much more ahgressive style, even a command grab. As well as changing nash to motion so that guile can stay charge.

Only thing that doesnt quite add up is bisons aggressive playstyle even though being charge

SF4 is not the only Street Fighter that had Vega in it.

They already said they were changing up Boxer’s moveset. They used that diplomatic way of speaking. Just like when they said Alex would be playing differently than what we expected. My fake money is on TAP being the only charge input he keeps.

It seems that V-Trigger is really good, can lead to huge damage. Hopefully he has good mobility and pokes/footsies, i can already tell he’s going to be a strong character, I’m really excited.

My main thing right now is dealing with frame trap heat characters like Rashid and Chun. To me they are top tier for this reason, even if others don’t agree. We have an insane Rashid locally and Alex needs to be able to stop that pressure, his V-Trigger looks like it may serve that purpose but also good mobility which sadly I find few characters in this game have besides Nash.