Albany, NY - We get the cops called for mashing so hard!

hahaha, how lame.


omfg wierd

Too bad the dude didn’t get rejected so the crowd would yell “It’s not very effective!” Then call the dude a nub for choosing an electric type.

Yeah looks like he’s gonna be critically hitting that ass

this just in. Nunie has gotten past the first round.

If I encountered a wild one of those, I would choose the run command…

Nunie is 2-1 in SF 2-0 in BB and 0-1 in Tekken.

Ok parts are all bought

nice how much?

72 bucks all together

i guess the reason it ships so fast is because of priority mail which costs a bit.

Your order came out to 38 bucks i think. So no need to give me any more cash mine came out to 25ish and 9 bucks shipping

What am I going to need to ensure that harness for the JLF stays put? Is glueing it the best option?

we have ours taped down. And hopefully your screws are better than mine on the mounting plate because they are weak thats why my jlf is loose in mine. i have one bad screw that doesnt seem to thread in. i have to probably hot glue that one to fix it.

Hey if those parts come in on Wednesday just bring them to Keith’s if you can.

assuming i have anyone at the house to sign for them lol.

Just checked my tracking info for the astro box and its coming wed, have to check my email to find out when the parts will arrive though. Ill keep you posted

That box is gonna be pretty sweet. It’s gonna be good for shmups. Maybe I’ll bring over Raiden III or something.

True. Yeah just let me know.

edit: It’s only a matter of time before YouTube explodes. Theres some shady shit going on behind the scenes. For the past few weeks, the site just hasn’t been the same.

What kind of shady things?

try last few months it has not worked very good. Very slow, and it likes to stop loading on the bigger vids to make you click to move the pointer to get the vid to load a bit more.

Yea shmups any time lol. hopefully it wont be too cramped to play head to head fighters but i dunno the button spacing on the sega panels look ok. SHould be much better than the xarcade which barley has room for 2 ppl side by side

Let’s just say they’re running out of room. And they’re on the verge of selling out. They’re gonna start putting on whatever makes them money.

You mean running out of bandwidth? Honestly, they don’t really make much money given their business model…

It will go the way of myspace.