Akuma: Combos, priority, and technique

hahaha don’t bother to practice anything in the KYSGs combo it’s about as practical as Elena’s healing combos. (note: not very)

low mk into lk tastumaki can’t be hitconfirmed, unless you have food footsies and good mind reading, stay away from spamming it

players from higher levels of play should probably know that it’s nearly impossible to land a jump-in attack against another decent player

:wow: I thought I was the only one who knew about the uber secret food footsies?!? :wow:


edit:I wanna throw a joke about meaties in here for good measure but I cant think of anything clever…

Why would you wanna do a kara shoryu with Akuma? Its done the same way as Ken’s, but I dont see the point.
If you want to try the second set of air hurricanes, do it on Urien as he seems to be the easiest (relatively speaking) one to land them on.

If Ryu has kara-shoryu juggles (or juggle I suppose, since I really only know of one), surely Akuma must too?

ryu has a karashoryuken juggles?

i feel reduced to a scrub for not knowing

It’s not really very useful, but he can do (in the corner):

st.fp xx mp shoryu xx SAI, juggle with kara-fierce shoryu

Or, if you have extra meter to burn, kara-strong shoryu xx SAI again (not really reccomended…the second SAI only hits 3 times).

Ok, so it turns out Akuma can’t kara uppercut like Ryu and Ken can, because doing :dp:+k~p results in a demon flip. D’oh.

Doesn’t really need it for SA 1 corner combos. LP DP, SA 1, LP DP, SA 1, LP DP works on most people, I think.

Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines of max range air tatsu, kara-shoryu, or something.

But the point is kinda moot, because he can’t do the kara with either cr.mk or cr.fk, and doing it with f.mp is prohibitively difficult. So Akuma will just have to leave the kara-shoryu juggling to the other two.

Well the Ryu kara juggle you mentioned makes sense, but in that exact same scenario, akuma can’t do it. He can only attack after sa1 if it hit while the opponent was fairly high in the air to start off.
By the way, that Ryu juggle you mentioned can be made much easier if you can time a HK tatsu - exactly the same damage if I remember correctly.

If you do lp shoryu xx SAI while both of you are on the ground and in the corner, Akuma can immediately juggle with another shoryu (xx SAI again if you want, and then another shoryu to top it off). Inserting a fierce at the beginning makes the last uppercut whiff on some characters, though…st fp xx lp shoryu xx SAI, lp shoryu xx SAI, lp shoryu whiffs on Ryu, for example. Might have been a good candidate for a kara-shoryu finisher.

As for the Ryu juggle, the HK tatsumaki whiffs after mp shoryu xx SAI on almost every character in the cast (the exception being Makoto). The reason for this is that the last hit of the SAI passes under them, so they don’t bounce as high. The only person the tatsu connects on is Makoto, because she eats all 5 hits of the SAI for some reason.