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I just got my package today, somehow the joystick i got looks very weird. Therealneogo, can you tell me if this joystick is suppose to look like this? Is it suppose to be bent like that? Also, i try shaking it and it sounded like there is a broken piece in the joystick and it not the clicking noise when u move the joystick.


You could just bend those prongs back straight…well not straight…like to the side…just lift it a little bit higher…as for the “broken” piece…take it apart…maybe something just got loose…

Firstly, I personally got stuff from Seimitsu that also was bent like that, and it is very irritating, but try to bend it back.
Also, the sound :), I have a LS-33 and a LS-32-01 here at my desk in front of me right now and when I shake them both they have a strange sound to it. I recorded it:
That is basiclly the sound of the blades on the leafswitches moving.

i guess ill just bent the ponge back, and the noise was coming from the angle movements what therealneogeo said, but man i just hate poor quailty stuff. Just hope it will work when i try to install it. Overall, i got my stuff. Thanks

Just wondering if the March 5th orders have been sent out yet.

Thats not “poor quailty” stuff, thats typical of any stick in shipping, prongs get bent 55% of the time with any stick, and the noise is normal, I’m guessing you don’t build that many sticks. I wouldn’t be complaining.

Man, TRNG actually went to the distance of making a sound recording to make sure OngBak is satisfied.
I just gotta say, nice customer service.

I hope my stuff gets here before March 17 cause I’m going to Texas Showdown.

Sorry for this, hope you are pleased with the order anyway.

Demon Dash
It has been ordered from Sanwa/Seimitsu so we wait untill the parts have arrived (it will say so on the statuspage).

That is true that it get bent a lot but this only happens to me with Seimitsu-products, never Sanwa (why is this?). Both manufacturers are great anyway :).

It really is no problem, just trying to answer the questions customers may have and it helped with a audiofile this time so why not do it :).

Store looks really neat :slight_smile: Do you know if Sanwa OBSF-30RG would fit well in a Hrap1?

I think all 30mm buttons fit well in a HRAP1, so yes, OBSF-30RG fit very good.

TRNG, I sent you an email a few days ago, was wanting some parts from you. I sent it from derizion@gmail.com. Let me know.

I will reply to all new emails tomorrow, just have to sort out a few things first so I will get back to you no problem :).

How people manage to double post with the 240 second rule is beyond me.

No problem, I’ll look forward to it.

Ok thanks :slight_smile: just worried about the “Note that this switch is longer compared to standard buttons, make sure your panel has the internal clearance required.” part.
I’ve never modded or touched anything, so I have no clue about the type of clearance a hrap has hehe… I just know I want to replace the buttons and fill in the last two ones… and maybe get a pretty new bubble ball. Will research a little more, but 100% certain that when the time (read paycheck) comes, I’ll order with you :tup:

If you click on the picture on the button you want it has measurements for it.
You are welcome :).

i ordered some more stuff…mainly the octagonal mount and some buttons…thanx for the previous shipment!! everything is great! I forgot but with order inquirries…do you guys e-mail me back to the e-maila ddress I gave you? sorry my memory is odd.

Have you sent an email? I will answer emails today, not had chance to before because I was very busy.

I’m looking to get a Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT, I sent a couple emails but didn’t get a response. can I order from you guys through this message board? You guys seem to be on pretty often.

I will send you respons today, just been little busy.

hope you have my order too…(kashkouli)