Akatsuki BLITZKAMPF - PC Thread (1131sp1) - Its still playable!

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Did everyone stop playing this game?

EDIT: new matches on ko-hatsu


you’re late, deadline was 29th, all those copies are accounted for


sprite rip thread

and did all intrest in this game die already because of that glitchy mess BBB?

i still play … i dont like bbb :7)

Chibi, your avatar wins.

So apparently you cant reflector your way out of those back attack cross ups(almost everybody have air crossup, everybody can cross up on the ground when the op is in the air). However you can block it

You can also combo some peoples air throws(after). Does someone with a superfast computer want to cap some stuff for me?


More new shit being announced. Looks like an advanced lobby and matching system for netplay (maybe featuring better netcode), and some crazy new Helheim mode!

And you already knew about color edit!

helheim is a new AI difficulty with “brutal CPU with super reaction”

i think netplay will have color edit mode merged too

anyone still playing?
perhaps on the westcoast?
so down for some matches at evo west.

I’ve finished Vanhall Sugoku. (god my spelling sucks today) Is there more to unlock, or do I wait for the new patch?

Man Fritz vs Mycale is like the ultimate test of patience.

And yet it’s so much fun for either side.

Wow, I’m kinda impressed with this game! Seems like these home-made fighters are getting pretty good.

The character designs seem somewhat… unorthodox though, and got me wondering about the plot… anybody got any details?

all i know is that akatsuki and the e soldat series are clones of the main boss. akatsuki is a special model, while e soldat is the mass production model. also, sai is basically a gangster who is fighting to gain information that he can sell.

guess what i just got in today

new character confirmed

author says hes gonna tweak the new version a little bit more before releasing soon

looks like akatsuki’s moveset

i wonder how he plays

i wonder how much his normals will change considering this is the first real clone character in the game … although it makes perfect sense i guess :wonder:

that would be pretty cool having a clone thingy going on like in street fighter with all the shoto characters and junk.