AGDQ 2018 is LIVE: $960,850 Raised

Haha they’re doing Dust? Got that game off of Humble Bundle, it was fun, albeit a little easy.

Super Mario 3D Land and Jet Set Radio Future? :love:

He is going to be a hit at the first ever AGDIOS

Awesome Games Done In One Sitting

Zoo, so you’re a converted speedrun spectator brah?

Maybe I should make a speedrun irc…

Can’t wait…

Hour and a half until the marathon starts!

World Cup
Steam Sale

Fuckin information overload :tup:

Humble Bundle for SGDQ. Minimum $25 for a pack of games:

Wow, JSRF, Madworld, Bangai-O, Strider 2, and METAL WOLF CHAOS!?!?!?!


Is it running now?

Yes it is

I donated. I hope I win either the PS4 or Wii U/3DS.

I donated $35 too, bought three T-Shirts from The Yetee. I really like the 007 T-Shirt (notice that your character is dying while killing something; cue death music)

3D World looks soooooo fucking good. Shit is a joy to watch.

I can’t decide which shirt(s) I want… Definitely the group shot again but I don’t know if I like the ‘Master of Backtracking’ shirt enough lol

Beta would be mad salty watching this man shame his Crash bandicoot performance

That DKC2 race is good. Chain Link Chamber; Toxic Tower. Some of the best memories from that game from that last area.

Fuck what did I miss? Won’t be home for another hour :frowning:

Im not seeing jsrf on the schedule only jsr hd.
am i missing something?

Nah, it’s not on there, I thought it was cause negative-zero said that, but yeah it’s just JSRHD.

Also, man, runners who hate/talk shit about the game they are running just bothers me. Why even run the game if you only complain about it. I mean I can understand expressing the difficulty present when playing the game in a way that was not intended, since that’s what speed-running is for 99% of games, but to talk as if the game was badly designed because of things like that is just strange.