I know you’ll read this, I guess Cody and Blake are planning on going to the Ill Intent, Vanguard, Gravemaker show tonight in Olympia… so unless you wanna go to that we should mob over to the DOJO.
IMPORTANT AfroDojo just got donated a BOMB ass propane double grill. We are turning this into a pot luck, anyone that wants to throw something on the grill please feel free to bring whatever you like. I dont really have enough to feed everyone, but i will be making hotdogs and burgers.
Hope everyone can make it, we will be playing all night!
ps - If anyone is free atm and can help with setting up, feel free to call me. Also, set ups and sticks are always welcome.
If anyone is heading down after around 6 and is looking for someone to carpool with, let me know. I can ride with you and throw down gas money, or I can take 1 person if they want to chip a couple dollars towards the trip.