Advanced Tactics

Rapidly (as fast as you can) press away to towards to away etc. on D-pad/stick + piano key punches/kicks.

thats how i mash shinvega.

is there a science to this shit or what?

im mashing out of dizzies like a gangster, but when it comes to throws, im eating whole lifebars worth of knees and headbutts.

a rhythm? mashing according to your opponents mash?

Are you playing against the computer? The computer can keep you in a hold for 100%.

If you’re playing against a human, you really should be out in 1 second or less.

Yeah, when I play AI Blanka, they keep me in that fuckin bite throw for the whole thing and half my life is gone!

Yeah, if you piss off computer Blanka, he brings the hurt with that bite, and there’s not much you can do about it, cept maybe hit your ps2/xbox with a hammer repeatedly.

Oh, don’t worry about that. The computer can do all sorts of impossible things.

If you’re facing a human opponent, you can get out after one bite.

nah its against humans :sweat:

i was wondering about this because i was playing at a tourney recently and my opponent was using n.ken. he hit the knee bash throw on me a couple of times and i would mash like crazy, but i wouldnt get out for a while. i dont remember how many hits exactly, but it seemed like way more than usual. it was arcade st.

i also noticed that he would stop mashing after a second or so. would that matter?

i guess not, but just wondering

Oh, you know Ryu’s air juggle of 2 mp’s and his super fireball, can you actually do one jumping mp and then super?


Is there some kind of trick to cancelling supers in ST? I play 3s and I can cancel supers fine but for some reason I’ve never been able to cancel a super in ST

ST is just much, much faster. This means that you typically need to break the motion up. For example, to do xx super with Ryu, try

d, df, f, d + mk, df, f + p

Thanks man, time to bust out them bufferin skills