Advanced Jin ^_^ it can be done

I am slightly appalled at people not having faith in marvel characters outside of top 4

I know that Jin isnt top tier…but he has some crazy normals. You can even begin to convince me that he cant abuse these normals and zone the same way top 4 do.

The main thing he lacks is movement. Wavedash covers that at a horizontal angle. SJ covers that at an immediate vertical angle. His descending air normals are not half bad, and like all his other normals, carry large priority. His normal cancels can provide quick mobility for cross-ups, as higher jin said earlier.

The bloodia punch unblockable glitch is enough to warrant scary assist punish strings. Bait the assist out of a blockstring, bam. The fact that he has so much range on his normals to create pressure makes this a viable tactic.

His mixup game post cyclone is admirable amongst the low tier characters. He can easily attack all 4 corners on wakeup, again using his normals/normal cancels to move around.

He has a REALLY GOOD ASSIST. More than one actually. Think of the things we give up for a really good assist. You don’t see capcom tri-jumping. You dont see any anti-air assist having the same priority on point, excepting maybe Cyke. I think it is safe to say his solo damage potential is gonna be equal to or above any other anti-rushdown assist commonly used. Cyke infinite being the main exception to this obviously.

What is his throw game like? Any follow up on midscreen throw into assist, or wall throw?


I couldn’t agree more. I gotta dig up this old Jap vid series i DL’d that had Hayato, Jin, and other randoms absolutely beasting across the board. Great post, let them sleep on the hidden beasts.


My chun’s learning the ropes.

lol I KNEW something was buggy with that Blodia Punch. I can’t recall the times my assist would get hit with that and both of us would get sent flying even though I swore I was blocking! Nice. I wonder how much damage that last hit is. Too bad you can’t DHC out of it since it causes the FS. Would be retarded if it could be extended.

Last hit does stupid damage. But if I recall you can get hit because of the glitch waay before the last hit.

My friend Burt plays jin every match and I cant count the number of times this glitch has killed 2 characters. I should ask him how he sets it up.

launch into cyclone is BnB for me.

And XXBloodia Punch seems too work but you have to see the hit can cancel fast.

In the corner i was able to land a uncomboed cyclone then dynamiteOTG XXcyclone.

Is it just me or is it easier to cancel typhoon into punch when your powered up? xx bloodia works, true, but so many other nice things work to get to your bloodia

Without assist

  • c. roundhouse xx typhoon xx bloodia (you dont need to add the typhoon)
  • s. jab, c. jab, dynamite or typhoon (depending on how you held the charge) xx bloodia


  • s. jab, tronne, s. jab xx bloodia. (so simple, so much dmg)

Really, what I’ve learned with playing Jin is:

Simple is the key. Find an openning (and there’s very few with the top 4) try to connect with a s. jab and you should be fine. s. jab really, for me at least, is the starter for EVERY ground combo / air combo.

Jin is mad underrated.

I just got a digital camera and have been making a bunch of match videos. So, I plan to make a Jin video to showcase what he naked man can do. =]

I haven’t played with Jin in a while, so give a little to time to get my timing down again.

What do you guys think of my plan? I’ll let you guys know how it turns out

don’t know if it was mentioned

but j.hp+assist is a pretty good fast overhead on some characters, possibly most (haven’t tested)

also, while doing a lp.typhoon, charge an explosion during it. if the typhoon is blocked/avioded, you will be surprised by how many times you’ll hit people with explosion right away after (you recover quick enough/explosion is quick enough)

Sorry for the necro, seems like nobody plays lower tiers these days.
And this seemed like the proper thread to post this in.

I was tinkering around with Jin, and I seem to have use this quite consitently:

j.LK (while rising up) /\ d+HK / …
^ On block, I was capable of going to block string with an assist, or just retreat while summoning an assist. On hit, it combos when you land, but I doubt it’ll successfully hit often.

Anywho, I was mixing this up with cr.HK (ex: cr.HK into dynamite) gimmicks to condition my opponent to crouch block more. Now I don’t play many opponents, and granted I can only manage to keep my opponents blocking using Dr.Doom AAA.

I just wanted some input from other players if anybody even still plays Jin =P