<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/46044/Dude">Dude</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><br><div><br></div>
It doesn’t matter if she only has 3 total supers, they still have to animate idle, push-block, normals, hit/block stun, tag-ins/outs. Additionally, the animation and clean-up contracting aren’t the only costs for making the character. There’s also the cost of paying the staff for making two times as many normals, balance testing, and hit-box contracting (again, twice as many as 1 character).<div><br></div></div>
I agreed that there would be extra animation. However I disagree with how much animation. Look at Cerebella: 6 ground normals, 6 air normals, 3 unique DP moves, lock and load, tumbling run, 3 follow ups to tumbling run, three command grabs, three command normals, Tag-in, and a rapid fire air normal.<br><br>Thats 12 normals and 16 other unique moves. So move wise. 12 normals for each, 2 tag-ins, and a one special is (at least in theory) a similar amount of work when it comes to things like hit-hox contracting, animation, and clean up. That’s based more on how they decide to model. Other animations like walking, hit stun, and block stuns, and other really basic animations will be doubled up; however, compared to specials and normals those seem s lot less difficult- I could be wrong.<br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/46044/Dude">Dude</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”> You might save a little bit of time and money by having her hit-stun revert to Victoria and your other ideas, but those would also seem sloppy/lazy, and the extra normals are really gonna be where most of the money is sunk anyway. <br></div>
Whether it’s sloppy or lazy is extremely subjective and depends very much on how it is done. Good execution can make the simplest of ideas seem magical and ingenious. =P <br><br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/46044/Dude">Dude</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”> I think the point still stands that a single Violet/Victoria character is basically equal to creating two separate characters, and probably won’t happen until they get funding from a real publisher again. <br></div>
…should we agree to disagree or keep going?<br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/46044/Dude">Dude</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>The one thing we do agree on is that you misused the word drastically, so there’s that :P<div><br></div><div>Edit: This quoting system sucks donkey balls</div><div><br></div></div>
It seems we agree on two things<br>