Sadly it’s not Capcom who decides whether it’s the best Marvel ever…
Can someone please clarify to me why this fan service, hyper kintetic mash-fest, Super Smash Brothers for 12-15 year-olds, is considered worthy of any interest beyond that of the former demographic?
Am I missing something here amoungst all the photosensitivity inducing, fluorescent graphical insanity?
Ahhhhhh, what???
Sab is a troll who fails at trolling.
The recurrent theme of this thread seems to be marvel vets who are steadfast in their belief that this game will be bad because it isn’t a replica of mvc2 with updated graphics vs. people who found mvc2 enjoyable, but also found it to be broken, and thus, in need of fixing for it’s sequel. Both sides of this argument have tremendous merit.
So why not surrender that argument, and take the facts as they are?
The Bad:
The game is based off of the tvc engine.
Infinites as they existed in mvc2 are gone.
The tagging system, as it stands, is prohibitive to say the least.
The button layout is undesirable to traditional marvel players.
The Good:
Most of the characters seem viable to a respectable degree. (a la SSF4)
The assist mechanisms seem more expansive than mvc2, which give more variety for setup possibilities.
The cast is peppered with fresh and interesting (yes i know this is subjective) characters as well as the mainstays.
There is a strong likelihood for DLC content, including character additions and balance tweaks.
MvC3 is going to be a game that will have to be learned from the ground up. If you’re not down, that’s fine. MvC2 and TvC aren’t going anywhere. If it’s too crazy and complicated for you, that’s fine also. You can watch and make sidebets.
Now, and I apologize for the wall of text, my personal opinion on the game.
It’s looking very defense oriented, and my prediction is that the top teams, at least out of the gate, will resemble the likes of clockw0rk, duc, and watts. I think that rushdown teams will definately ex
ist, and be effective, but not to the extent that they were in mvc2, which is where a lot of the dissatisfaction stems from.
I’m not sure where all the salt is coming from on the hitstun proration front, because it really isn’t a huge change from marvel 2. In mvc2, if you did 55 or so hits, the character got bounced, unless you did a super or a super into dhc to kill a character, which is still clearly possible in this game. The glaring difference is that you’re gonna have to choose meter or damage, cause you’re not going to be able to build meter, do damage, and still kill a character with full health. QQ
Snapbacks are still in, as well as assist killing/baiting, and with the new exchange system, there’s going to be an entire new guessing game involved. I’m usually not a glass half full person, but I’m really shocked to see the amount of negativity from players who I consider to be great.
in a word: yes
Weeding out scrubs before they even touch the game, brilliant.
So I guess that would make MvC3 a ‘fighting game’ that fails at being a fighting game then…? :wgrin:
lol @ the level of naivety required to think I would touch such a mash-mess gimmick fighter with even a barge pole! Much less thinking calling someone a ‘scrub’ for not liking the Gen Wii kiddy fighter in question is an effective insult…! :lol:
I’ll stick to more mature games, like Marvel Super Heroes Squad, thanks! :tup:
PS: The fact my earnest question regarding the validity of such a rubbishy-looking fighting game wannabe wasn’t even approached with an answer proper is definitely not lost on me…
I don’t get why people feel the need to troll especially after the game (in development) has received alot of positive response from those who’ve played it and the team behind it has proven that they’re open to implementing changes when feedback from the players indicates such change is needed (first UAD was removed; then the life/damage was tweaked where instead of people complaining about time-outs, we get people complaining about folks dying too quickly and now we’re getting jump cancelling back).
Sablicious, that’s NOT how you troll.
You have to talk a bunch of retarded shit about how people “don’t understand what MvC2 fans are going through” (since, you know, [media=youtube]ILE1HmL5X6g"]MvC2 players are going through *such[/I[/media]):rolleyes:, and then label anyone who doesn’t agree with you a “scrub”
I kinda think they should tone down the effects. Some those effects are to unnecessarily shiny which is over doing it. There doesn’t need to be an explosion of colors every time i land a punch.
They should desticky this thread. Yeah the initial post is cool and good reading, but now it’s just trollbait.
… or just lock it and leave it up, that works too.
I second this.
Best fucking post yet. Sorry but it’s looking like Capcom is more concerned by adding 9999999 variations of sound bites to Deadpool’s moves or lining up Spiderman DLC costumes than figuring out how to make a COMFORTABLE and instantly reactive control scheme. When I heard that back+assist = tag or holding an assist for a second makes you tag out… I have completely lost any hope of this being a decent Marvel game. Direction+button and holding button have never been used for any vs. game AFAIK; it’s simply not sensible and does not fit into an extremely fast paced game such as this (may work in traditional SF games). Call me jaded but it makes no sense for one to have to hold a god damn assist button to switch out; it’s not robust, it delays things, it makes it harder for you to survive on a whim even though you have put in every effort to save a dying character (like how people tag out in the middle of a hailstorm to avoid death and only take tiny bit of a damage).
Obviously the individuals have “okayed” this sort of garbage do not pay anything attention to how a vs. game, the moment it gets into the players hands, is played. Imagine the ridiculousness of mvc2 if everything one uses strider doom he has to make that the stick is in neutral or a direction that is not back in order to prevent a switch. It would just slow the game down, just an unnecessary hindrance. When developers actually that such gimmicky commands are GOOD enough to be showcased (think of a committee of supposedly component people that came together to PASS this decision…), you really got to question if MvC3 is in good hands. It’s like enforcing people to input elaborate 2xhcf to do a hyper sentinel force, what good would that be?
Sorry to bump. But I believe that this thread is incomplete without mention of fanatiq’s own later blog post from back in June after ReveLAtions, especially seeing how the original post in this thread apparently made its way to the team in Japan.
Notable quotes for those who hate reading.
Seriously though, go read it.
Your post made me reread this thread. Funny how wrong we all were when it came to the finalized product. UMvC3 seems to fill the holes that MvC3 were missing and more. Here’s to keeping it classy for another however long until Capcom makes another vs game.