A Master Class in Juri Han: Learn to fight like me and you'll realize how boring everything else is

matchups and notes added, more soon.

Thank you, very helpful.

Do you have some tips for Blanka and Honda? Hate those matchs…

We got a hot discussion Honda thread [here](Help against E.Honda Excuse the lol’s and the disagreements, but I’m sure you can form your own opinion after going through that one.

New notes and extra non FSE Fake Crossups/Unblockables added. I had lost the data and had to re-test everything to get it all back. Big thanks to @Shiroyasha for the help.

I like the part where you say try going some matches without using her store at all. Trying it… Really weird to do. So far I only do it when I’m up close and it’s just so I have a safe thing to do. I already know of store(s) importance but goddamn is it annoying doing anything without it

doing it really makes you notice how often you blurt out the input without really thinking about it

more new non FSE Fake Crossups and Unblockables added, credit to @Shiroyasha for the find.

Thanks for doing this, it’s great stuff and really helpful to me already. It’s crazy how often I think Juri’s been figured out only to come here and see new things.

I’d like to request some matchup info on Guy though. He’s my demon right now.

@genki thanks for the MU info, real helpful. Can you tackle the Guy MU next, I’m having some issues vs him. Appreciated in advance.

patience patience

Idk how u guys come up with this stuff ill be In the training room practicing basics like safe jumps & whiff punishes and I come in here and see the setups and I feel like I not getting the most out of my training time u guys really think outside the box this is a great post much respect to those involved

Im still trying to see if there are more crossup divekick setups per character. alot of them seem to be more manual than automatic however.

all crossup dive kicks will be manual if they’re not in the corner (which are pointless anyway) because it’s super hard to dive kick at the exact same point in your jump arc every time

good job on the guide genki, any chance you could do Adon and Sakura next?

You can find Sakura in the old master class thread. Just sayin. :tup:

This is awesome, thanks Genki, by the way i got real problems with an akumas friend. any wake up option?

Great job man. This is very helpful info for new players and washed up players like me. :slight_smile:

I have new things that I will be sharing soon.

you’d have to be more specific man.

be sure to let me know and i’ll add it into here (with credit of course). all actually useful things from anyone that i haven’t posted are sure to be put up - don’t think i just limit it to me. i am not the best, and don’t have advice for every single given situation so there’s always room for more.

I’ve done some testing on this. It’s a safe jump vs most characters but on a few characters j.hk whiffs on crouch or simply doesn’t reach.

cr.mk xx HK Senpusha -> half a step, fj.hk

Works on: adon*, balrog, cammy, chun li, cody, dan, deejay, dhalsim*, dudley, e.honda, fei long*, fuerte*, gen, gouken*, guy, juri, makoto, m.bison, rose*, rufus, sagat, seth, sakura, vega*, yang, yun*.

*j.hk whiffs vs crouch

Doesn’t work on: abel, akuma, blanka*, c.viper*, evil ryu, guile, hakan, ibuki, ken, oni, ryu, t.hawk, zangief.