(Ah, I had forgotten how good bubble-baths feel. I need to take more of those. [/apex of manliness])
Oh, don’t worry, good Sir Pertho. Should Sir Renegade ask for a response, I’ll likely just PM him back what my grievances with his message were rather than spend more of thread’s precious space. I know this is not the place to talk about Wesker, which is why I was trying not to do so.
raises hand at missing it
I probably wouldn’t have known it existed if BlackShinobi didn’t go out of his way to post in twice in the lounge threads. It stayed at the top for way too short a time for how important it is, to the point that I must admit that I consciously downplayed its importance by thinking “if it was good, then it would stay there for a while instead of being replaced by Vergil/Dante/Xxx combo video #7, especially since Mr. Cannon has basically completely power over the site.”
So I just ignored it until now since it got pushed down by a bunch of other trash.
That was obviously a mistake. Damn, that thing is so well written even before taking the actual content into account. Not every front page article needs to break up things as neatly and as orderly, but just using good grammar, especially syntax and word choice, goes an extremely long way.
Also, it would figure that you and a few other people would far more concisely say what I and Pertho were trying to get out. I am abysmal when it comes to trying to be concise obviously.
No, it’s more like “TL;DR: I’ll gladly reply with what I actually think was wrong and what I think was right with the ‘Wesker: Not Overpowered’, but not here. Also, you’re being a bit defensive and needlessly condescending.”
Just like how my nonexistent, long-winded reply to you for this would be “TL;DR: Why the fuck did you quote all of that? You’re usually smarter than that, but all you did was waste space and spam, so it’s not my fault if Preppy infracts you and if you’re compelled me to want to shiv you a kidney should we ever me. I can’t be held responsible for my ire. America!”
Seriously, though, don’t quote all of that. How drunk are you? [/assumption]