I don’t think small hardware based reincarnation or consolization are what ST most needed.
It would be nice but most people who play it casually either play it on emu or online or classic mode or whatever.
What arcade ST needs is a affordable solution to output lagless display to a lightweight LCD monitor and be able to use USB input devices without any input lag.
If stuff like XMAME got more love, this issue could be solved. We could have bootable Linux partitions or other devices lauching X and ST under MAME after that. Windows make it hard to get real control over hardware, not just USB.
Ha! I don’t visit here regularly, but popped in and noticed this thread
Talk about re-inventing the wheel! This would be incredibly expensive (sourcing old custom chips + a PCB of that size is not cheap to produce) and there would be very little improvement made to the overall size of the system. At best you could squeeze both the A + B board components onto one board of the same dimensions.
Yeah, shrinking this stuff down is way more complex than a NOAC (Nintendo on a chip) or something. Not that it’s not possible, but:
Yes, I think emulation is the most realistic solution for non-tournament play (practice, casuals, etc.) It’s the best balance between cost/accessibility and 100% performance.
Glad you liked it Yeah, if you were the guy that mentioned dropping a few DPs, that was actually the stick, come to find out. Henry Cen and some dude were playing and the other guy complained that he couldn’t block at times. After they left I played around with it and found the 5-pin joystick connector inside was flaky. Aside from that annoyance, Ganelon and Rufus helped me pin down a strange movement issue that I think only they noticed as it only exibits itself when you stop moving the stick. So, I’ve got a handful of driver issues to fix (PS3 sticks were a no go @ EVO) and I’ll be adding the ability to upload new joystick drivers via the USB interface.
I’m hoping for non-cab users, this will become tournament standard as it seems to solve so many problems of portability, custom controls, etc. Also, I’m working on getting the USB interface available in a Do-It-Yourself widget form so people can add 360/PS3 interfaces to whatever they want (update superguns, add custom controller capability to your cabs, etc.). I’m hoping I will have more good news here in a few months as I iron out these last few items. For any of you who didn’t sign up for my UD-CPS2 mailing list (updates, info) @ EVO and want to, just shoot me an e-mail: udgametech [at] gmail.com
What is difference between a Super Turbo CPS-2 board and the other CPS-2 boards out there, hardware wise. People make “conversions” between CPS-2 boards all the time but never ST. There are Hyper AE conversions all over the place but no one has ever converted an X-CPS2 board over to an ST board for some reason. I remember someone explained the reason why it wasn’t possible before but I forgot. Heck, if it was possible I would convert every garbage cps-2 game to ST for cost reasons and tournaments.
Gotcha. It would be a very cost effective solution if someone could make this conversion. Arcade perfect ST would be much more affordable. Heck, old non ST cps-2 sell for cheap online. Its hard to get a ST board for under $200 these days.
Vanilla SF2 has a daughter board too? IIRC It doesn’t. That’s why it’s so much cheaper and easier to find than ST… HSF2 doesn’t have a daughter board either so converstions to HSF2 are easier to find as well… I think a converted HSF2 is probably your best bet, although apparently even with the start button pressed down on version selection some ST characters still have slight differences…
Honestly, I have no idea. I thought it was wierd that HSF didn’t have a daughter board… I thought that the daughter board on ST was just SSF2 information that they were too lazy/couldn’t put on the same board as the main game…
Maybe it has to do with how ST expects communication to and from the daughter board and the software would have to be modified to get it to work… that’s my best guess… but with phoenixed versions floating around for other games it seems unlikely… I’m not a CPS2 expert
Nothing, save different EEPROM data and that extra daughter board.
I’m guessing the reason you see a lot of Hyper AE boots is because there was a lot of money in it at one point. Hyper AE kits (like most arcade games) probably cost over $1k for a kit. Some dude(s) with the know-how made a killing selling conversions for $500 till the market died down. Same reason there are Progear conversions. No other CPS2 games command those prices. ST’s inflated price has only been the last few years (and only the last year in Japan).
There are 3 daughter boards I know of: 2 for extra game data, 1 for multi cab communication (some special tournament setup for some SSF2 boards). Very few games utilize any of these to my knowledge. ST uses an older tech daughter board for extra game data. Progear & Puzzloop 2 use a newer tech daughter board w/ flash memory (ala CPS3) rather than EEPROMs/ROMs. Sourcing ST daughter boards is looking near impossible. More realistic would be designing a new daughter board (it doesn’t look like that complicated of a layout). Even so, there’s crap-ton of EEPROMs to reprogam to convert from another CPS2 game.
In short, conversions seem possible, but new daughter board and labor will chew into some of the cost savings. At least it would ensure that there would be no shortage of ST boards around and should help calm the inflated market.
I’m confused as to why ST requires an extra daughter board and HSFAE doesn’t. Surely HSFAE contains more data than ST as it contains arcade ST. One would think it possible to run the ST code without the extra board with some code modifications.
I think that producing conversions is worth the effort due to the fact that there is no perfect alternative to arcade ST. It would be pretty sweet to combine this with your consolized CPS2. Everyone could have arcade ST at home without worrying the complications of superguns /finding boards ect.
Without popping open an HSFAE to see what’s inside for myself, I don’t have an answer for you.
Indeed. I can’t say I’ll be focusing on ST conversions any time soon, as most of the initial UD-CPS2 systems will be going to people who already own CPS2 games, but after UD-CPS2 and the DIY USB adapter designs are ironed out, I’ll definitely be looking into this.
Capcom was unusually cool about GGPO, especially when HDR and 3S:OE came out (Didn’t ponder take off 3S on his own accord?). Seth Killian even mentioned a few times that Capcom was cool with it, even though it was unauthorized. Something tells me if they won’t go after those hilarious chinese “1000000-games-in-1” prefab MAME cabinets (which I’ve been seeing quite a bit lately) then this should be safe too.
Yeah I was going through the list a week ago on one of them and I had no idea how many different bootlegs of SF2 there was. I only heard of Rainbow Edition before.
Thought I’d ask a question about TV’s. Usually the SF threads mention the laglless/close to lagless LCD Monitors. My question is, how about Plasma TV’s. I’d like to know if they’re out of the question laggy or is that not a target platform for gaming??
I have a TC-P54VT25 and was wondering where i stand, I’d like to connect to it using mame on my laptop with my HDMI Cable.
Same difference. Essentially you have to look up (or test yourself) any screen / panel for whatever non-CRT you’re using.
Plasma, LCD, LED, or what have you.