A-Blanka question

daaaammit. i wanna learn the mid-screens! cant go on a game frenzy and not care of bills and shit. 2dollars at the arcades and im good. usually 50 cent gets me through atleast 10 opponents,which is sad because that just means my scrubby self needs to play better players. i dont feel like im getting better,just worse. btw since my a-blanka sucks i just use him as the battery,but i fight pretty well with him.

killa: just use the custom i listed, it RARELY misses, just make sure youre super jumping every time.

The link wont work for me because this comp doesnt support the file. bleh. oh well, ill practice the AA CC until i get it down. I dont mash on Hps. i just drum the motion for RC electricity and have the electricity hit for themselves, usually 4 hits.

Yeah, use what dentron said. you should never miss it, even roll activate. it never misses…

I saw BAS do this cool custom. He finished it with c.hp, and then followed by the “Shout Of Earth” super(db, df, db, uf + P) it looked hella tight, but i tested it out this morning. fucking hard to get all hits in… =[


Has anyone thought of using c.hk -> activate s.lp? I was just going through the vid-op CC guide… sounds pretty good to use. It has TIGHT timing though. =/

Here’s the one I do:

activate, cr. forward, st. fierce x3, slide, st. fierce, whiff jab ball, st. fierce kkk hop, st. jab, sj fierce, etc.

That works on everyone.

The way the opponent switches sides is if you did 2 Blanka Balls rather than KKK hop after the first whiffed ball, or, if you do fierce, KKK hop twice(this would put you right below the opponent making it a side switch guessing game.)

does anyone ever do this set up? the timing is hella strict.

c.hk, activate, s.lp->s.hp, etc.

I sure don’t. Only time I’m ever hitting c.hk I’m just not looking to get the activation after it. I’ll try it tonight playing with my roommate.

yeah… but it’s easier than a lot of other insanely strict setups (hibiki K throw, CC, LP slash especially)

can someone put together a vid where they’re doing all blanka’s CCs? maybe my timing of a command is too late or fast. i always end up hitting them with the LP ball. not only that,i cant carry them to the corner. except with Dentron’s CC that he listed for me.

I can try to do that tonight, yeah. Won’t have sound as I don’t have the splitter that I need for my cap card, but now that I’ve got that card I’m dying to use it more. Haha I could make a combo vid if I could do combos! Too bad there’s already that one of Hibiki tricks or I’d try to do something like that.

EDIT - got one done for ya. Pretty straightforward. a couple times I got it to side switch, but then i missed the super. Gonna try for that next. PM me and i’ll send it your way.

didnt read the entire thread, so im not sure if anyone said these, but these are the cc’s i use often, these are pretty easy and never really miss:

anywhere on the screen- activate, c.mk, d/f.hp, s.lp, sj.hpx2 till you get to the corner, j.hpxn, then at the end s.hk, kick super.

if i have time to punish a wiff or something, i start with hpx3 instead of c.mk for extra damage

off of rc.electricity in the corner- rc.elect, activate, elect (5 hits), s.lp, then j.hp etc…

off of anti-air rc.elect (works best if you hit them on a cross-up attempt it seems)-rc.elect, activate, s.hp, lp blanka ball (whiff), s.lp, sj.hpx2 to corner
that one is not as reliable as the others, seems to depend on the spacing of the char when they get hit with the electricity.

you know the sj. HPx2 to drag them into the corner? sometimes i end up dropping them after the first sj.HPx2. any tips/timing?

do it slow… the first j.HP should come soon as you jump… the second should come at the last possible moment… sometimes if you just do j.HPx2 real quick you might not connect with the second jump. also make sure you’re super jumping