Btw, If people are interested in coming, but rides are a problem, I can see about getting some rides from the Dunn Loring Metro Station. That’s on the Orange line and about a 15 minute drive away from the tourney. I would need some people to get in touch w/ me if you’re interested. Pickup time would be around 330. Leaving time would be after all tournaments are completed.
ABA Adam doesn’t post on here. I’ll talk to him and see what’s up though.
Also, just to let people know, steve from GGL and Jeff for ICG and GGL will be at this tournament to cover it, interview players, and check out the scene. GGL has been making a good deal of waves about starting to support fighting games in its lineup, so this is great news.
David and I made a pretty good effort to get these guys to come out to C3, b/c I feel that it’s just a better experience. Let’s show them a good time.
Not likely. Before this past week, I hadn’t played CvS since last July. And that was XBL BS CvS. I went to CF and was getting fucked up by a girl…:sad:
Anyway, is CvS2 gonna be played at speed 3 or 4?
Wow…girls messin people up in CVS2. I need to go down to NY more often. 3rd Strike is my main game now any ways so I just play CVS2 for fun in tournaments.
You can change the speed on console CVS2?
Yeah, PS2 CvS2 doesn’t have an accurate arcade speed setting. Speed 3 is slightly slower than default arcade speed, and speed 4 is slightly too fast.
Yeah…that’s the problem with 3rd Strike. Both PS2 and Xbox ports are slightly faster than arcade. Making confirms and timing your attacks a little different from the arcade port. It’s still pretty close to the arcade otherwise.
While PS2 is faster than arcade, DC is SLOWER than arcade. And time has proven that faster is usually better (HF>CE, ST>SSF2, A2>A1, etc).
Also, Viscant has posted before (forget where) that arcade boards vary in speed even on the same damn setting. I can attest to this b/c the CvS2 machine in Fayetteville feels like speed 1, even though it’s on default. You have ALL FUCKING DAY to link shit.
Also, C3 will be hosting casuals Friday nite, 6/9. It will start at 7-8 o’clock, any game. I will personally bring Slash, ALpha anthology, 3S, among others. I’m sure alot of Guilty Gear people will be in the area. 5$ at the door, play all night. C3 doesn’t usually close on weekends until the last person leaves anyway. Also I will run a poker tourney on Friday 10$ buyin. You don’t have to pay a fee to play poker, but you gotta be playing games, too.
OMG, so many fucking tourneys around the same time. This may be a little too much for me. :sad: I’ll ensure that I come to the major on the July 1st weekend though, Also Valle and Combofiend may come to the next VTYME so I definitely want to show for that as well.
Yeah…I have no idea what the fuck I wanna do. Evo East is coming up and that would be my first big chance to compete against some top players but…I have no idea whether I should do that or just compete in some more of the local tournaments. I would have been more gung ho about it if I knew about Evo East earlier. It’ll be kinda hard managing to get 2 days off within 2 weeks and then finding a way to get back before Saturday (a day that’ll be very hard for me to have a spot covered on). I dunno…J.Wong and Shinshay are gonna be at the next X30 any ways and I can always get practice against Exodus at C3. I really…just don’t fucking know.
Um, DJ. You don’t have to go to EVERY tourney. Just pick ones you like and are comfortable at. Evo East is going to be the hot shit. Battle at the Capital will be the hot shit and it’s in your backyard.
I’ve kinda got over the “omg i can play Jwong” bug. Jwong is too far above anyone on the EC’s level in 3S to actually LEARN anything from him by simply playing him in a tourney. He’s like 10th degree black belt and everyone else is orange and shit. Exodus and Shinshay can hang, they’re like brown belts, but the rest of us are pretty much cannon fodder. I’m sure he doesn’t really have to try, and thus, you really aren’t learning anything.
Everyone would just be better off sitting w/ Khang and Erik in a room and have them school us in 3s. They’re really good, live in MD/VA, and have an interest in getting us better.
Sho nuff. I know Exodus is a strong player and he’s pretty much half the reason I go down to C3. I need to learn how to beat those top tiers and he’s both an excellent Ken and Yun player. Eric Kim has a solid Makoto game and I know he can hang with some of the better players on the EC so he is a great sparring partner as well. Shinshay has a solid top tier game as well and I look forward to getting more offline matches vs. him. Same with 10X…he just has a flat out solid Ken and places well in local tournaments as well. He always just edges me out in tournaments but with enough practice I’m sure I can take his Ken at the next C3. I believe I can move my way up in the tourney scene with my Ibuki…I just need the practice against the top tiers/players to do it. With practice I’m sure the Shinobi will bring some welcome variety to the EC 3S tourney scene.
Sure…I know for a fact that you’re not actually going to learn a whole lot by just getting a tournament match and a couple casuals in with the man himself…but any little bit of practice I can get before Evo will be worth it (since I do plan on going down).
Me an my lady will be there…
AE and CvS 2 n maybe A3 if ya havin it…
Koop out
Hey Koopy…think you could hook my bro and I up with a ride in the back seats or stuff us in the trunk or something? I was gonna ask my boy Tim for a ride but he has to drive up from VA to pick me up so if you could hook me up dat’d be real trill maen. Lemme kno wuz good. BTW…I need you to help me with modding a stick with that SF AC pad. I’ll talk to you about that in a PM later on.
Oh and how’d u make ur av that F’n huge? Damn…that’s a big av. :wow:
first…koopy is a lady way of sayin my name man:sweat:
next, i will be with my woman that weekend, she lives in va so I won’t be no where near md yo…
an lastly…funny thing i cropped the avatar an just submitted it an it stuck…shocked me…maybe cause i did it exactly at freakin midnight…or maybe cause im a mod…
LOL. I do the Koopy thing on purpose. I figured it would get to you one day. It’s all good man…I’ll just get my boy to hook me up.
I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to this. I got some school stuff I gotta do on the same day. Sorry, Robin :\
Aw sucks…Ken won’t be able to play with the Shinobi this time. Oh well…there’s always Exodus. Unless he uses Yun again. :lol:
Eli wont be making it after all, working.
It’s all about tha getty green before playing games. Bills before fun.
For the record, I’ll be there for the Slash and AE. Twist my arm and I’ll play Alpha 3