5 Star Teaches 3rd Strike!

LOL balls hanging out of his boxers? As for the podcasts, Magic 8 Ball says outlook not so good.

Sorry to hear that. I really don’t know since I’ve never been in that situation. I would say, you can always become a 3rd Strike monk like myself and just study the game for your own improvement!

We sent a man to the moon in 1969, you would think they can make 3rd Strike to be played online perfectly by now right??

Anyways, when pigs fly.


3rd Strike is the Pythagorean theorem.


That really depends on the situation doesn’t it? What character you’re playing against, how good your opponent is, what round it is. If it’s a tournament or practice. Is it grand finals or first round? Are you the anchor of your team? Too many factors.

However, I do feel that players that are greedy are the sickest players. It seems to me that Makoto players are the most greedy players. Haitani, Boss, Mimora and even Ken I are some of the greediest players I’ve ever seen! It seems to me that players that play the same characters all have the same characteristics, lol. I think personally that it’s sick when a player gets greedy and tries to win it without spending the meter. Whatever you do in 3rd Strike, commit to your ideas and moves and don’t second guess yourself even if you lose. I’m going to do this, I don’t care if it works or not, I don’t care if I win or lose, this is what I believe will work, and I won’t feel bad if it doesn’t work. That is how I approach 3rd Strike.

Is Dander better than you?
Have you ever 5starred someone?
[ ]YES [ ]NO
Are you good at MvC2?
[ ]YES [ ]NO

can I have 5 bucks?

I can handle this one, Yi.


Not a bad question at all. The most important thing I learned in 11 years of playing 3rd Strike has nothing to do with the game itself. I learned about work ethic, I learned about humility and I apply those to my daily life.

Work ethic, being dedicated and getting stronger everyday. Knowing the steps you took to get as good as you did at something, you can easily apply it to anything you do in life. Just take a step back, look at what you did to win that first tournament, all the work you put in. You can be successful at anything if you follow the same steps you took. For instance, I watched videos for like 3 hours every night my freshmen year in college back in 2002. I would examine my play and patch up my weaknesses and admit to myself my weaknesses. If you apply that to anything you do, you will be very successful.

Definitely matured a lot as a player over time. I love hearing it on TV when I’m watching an NBA game, when the announcers say, this person has really matured as a player. You know, when you first hit the scene, you start getting good, people start thinking you get good, being a young man, it gets to your head. Sometimes, some people never let there egos go. I love watching NBA players mature. When they come into the league, they young black rich and famous… must be hard to stay humble, can’t blame some of these guys. But eventually, you mature in time, you let go of your ego, you just want to get better at the game. You’re more focused, you don’t care about how you rank. Before it used to be, I’m better than that player, I’m better than this player because I beat him once. Such a bad attitude, instead of proving it with my play. I’m guilty of all these. You kind of just have to apply this same humility to everything you do in life, it’s a good look.

…but do I still hate some players? FUCK YEAH, hate those scum between the shower tiles rotten guts!

Every player can apply this to 3rd Strike. Even though I didn’t discuss any strategy, I think this can help anyone a lot wanting to get better at 3rd Strike, maybe more so than a lot of the strategy I’ve posted.

I always wanted to use Sean, so what is the best way to use him?

What are some things that you learned/started doing that took your game play from intermediate to advanced level. This can be as broad or specific as you want.

Yo 5 Star, so everyone eventually comes to a plateau when they are developing their skills, what have you done to over come them, and what advice can you give to people past and new in this generation of online, and limited real life experience(lack of arcade cabs, tournaments that have 3s etc).


If every single CPS3 board dies, will you ever play 3s on any other available platform?

Hey guys, like the new Cliff Paul avatar?

I think Capcom would keep making CPS3 boards and sell them at a dramatically high price.
Anyway, questions:
Is 5 Star answering Mak questions?
If so, how do you play a jungle Makoto?

probably the best way and safest strategy with Sean is not playing with him at all.:rofl:

I’ll be watching the Superbowl today. I’ll leave everyone with some food for thought.

My boy Confucious once told me an ancient Chinese proverb. “To become the best player, you must first become the worst player.”

Nah just kidding, I made that one up.

Learn from everyone.

If I am in the company of two men. They are my teachers and I will learn from them. If one of them is good and the other is bad, I will imitate the good of the good man and take in me the bad from the bad man in order to improve upon it in myself.

Pyro can watch the Worlds Strongest Man marathon on ESPN instead!