4.26.08 Nashville Tekken 5 DR, 3rd Strike, ST Results

rofl, nice one jason.

Drago: Sabre is right, this tourney was announced more than 2 weeks early, and it is just a local one, but the problem is a lot of people say they are going, then pull out at the last minute. We even had extra money if people showed up planned because I know gas is $$$$, but the scene out here as you can see, is low profile to say the least. Scott and myself have yet to see anybody from our area actually come and play 3rd Strike in the whole city! Tekken is a bit different, but we’re hurting for people for our Capcom stuff = (

3rd Strike (64 players)

Am I reading this right?

did someone say WoW?

HUmbag, yeah, we had to turn away the other 350 at the door, was a crazy night. :rofl:
