Less Capcom plz.
whats good with you charles havent talked to you in a while… whats been up man
What do you mean by that? Ye with the 3S avatar?
fuck a 3s…play ngbc
…and umk3 to a lesser extent
LOL. Charles knows he’d rather play 3S. He’s just a fighting game activist fighting for equal fighting game rights.
now i picture him organizing marches and shit with picket signs
**I play 2D games. Dont play Marvel cause u can only use 5 characters in the whole game (wait…so I can’t use Hayato, Strider, Ryu, or Wolverine?). Plus I’m not battle ready yet for 3s. So I stick w/ GG, CvS2, gave up Soul Cal cause it’s wack.
How you think the turnout for this wil be? And whats this about these RTS games goin on? I thought this was a fighting game tournament?**
coming out of retirement
I will come out of retirement and try and bring a few heads down also even though i already talked to u about this rob… Money matches biatches Cvs 2 mainly but We should def. get some poker and I will play smash brothers too. I might do 3s but I never really got into that game but I will gladly be someones punching bag if need be. I will also help run this tourney and give it support. There can be room for a ton of casuals…Too bad the date has been pushed back for the alpha collection and the 360 st because EB GAMES “my work” promised me help to acquire the number of titles to bring these games to a tournement!!! so my suggestion next time is pocket fighter, any of the alphas and that new st on the 360…even though sticks are hard to come by…its good to play something new for a change…Little Mac from punchout gonna be on the next smash brothers too!!! star punches glass joepwned
coming out of retirement
I will come out of retirement and try and bring a few heads down also even though i already talked to u about this rob… Money matches biatches Cvs 2 mainly but We should def. get some poker and I will play smash brothers too. I might do 3s but I never really got into that game but I will gladly be someones punching bag if need be. I will also help run this tourney and give it support. There can be room for a ton of casuals…Too bad the date has been pushed back for the alpha collection and the 360 st because EB GAMES “my work” promised me help to acquire the number of titles to bring these games to a tournement!!! so my suggestion next time is pocket fighter, any of the alphas and that new st on the 360…even though sticks are hard to come by…its good to play something new for a change…Little Mac from punchout gonna be on the next smash brothers too!!! star punches glass joepwned
I remember playing you on XBL. I believe during the CVS2 EO days.
Looks like I’ll just be in the 3s tourney for this DC/NOVA monthly. Means I get to save some money for some good ol’ Chik-Fil’-A!
I’m gonna be practicing a lot for this one. My last place showing in 3s at the last tourney was due to not playing for like a whole month straight.
Hey Cici. long time no see from ya. Looking forward to seeing you there with your Alex. And Shin Takuma. If you see this and your comming down to the tourney, make sure you get your ass there before sign ups man. That’s twice in a row you missed em.
im not gonna practice at all but im still gonna rape. fuck chick fill a. wendys spicy chicken ftw.
Wendy’s spicy chicken is the hotness for rizzle. Put some spicy mustard on top and it’s all good (I hate mayonaise). Chick Fil-A has some bomb ass french fries. Those chicken burrito wraps have some good priority in your mouth too.
Robin: Why isn’t CVS2 there it’s picking back up and lots of people are starting to play again. I understand that you want to attend to the 3s and Mvc2 players, but more MD players would attend if you had a Cvs2 torney or atleast I would show up.
I’ve got something that’ll have good priority in your mouth. Ohhhh! Zinged ya!
I’ve actually never had Chick-Fill-A. Is it good? What kind of food is it? It sounds like poopy poop.
And yeah, let’s have CvS2 in the tournament. P-groove action!
I second that. any CvS2 going down, I’ll show up (Not like it matters). But I’ma stroll down there like 5 or so cause my supervisors a pinga.
Hey I wanna take a random trip. Is there a hotel close to this place?
You play on XBL? I need some fresh peepz on my friends list.
Oh and you can sleep at the cyberclub if you want. :lol:
No CvS2… cuz no one really plays it. Last 3 or 4 attempted CvS2 tourneys in this area I’ve seen were all cancelled b/c no one wants to play. I’ll definitely have it up on a casual TV, since Moose wants to do some money matches.
Marvel may only be a fraction more popular than CvS2, but at least people will show up.
If someone else wants to run whatever tourneys after the main 3 are done, be my guest, however.
Nah! I don’t have XBOX. I not into the lag, but we’ll get to play at this tourney if I can get proper housing. Then we can bust as many casuals as you want. I’m down for that.