3s at EVO 2012?

Yea exactly.

Shit is gettin serious around here lol

Artayes- first to ten for $100?

Ryan - first to ten for my pride?? lol

How come ST is getting arguably the best ST tournament of all time, with qualifiers.

But the 3s invitational was just average american players who don’t play anymore… (no offense)

Maybe when 3s is more ‘classic’ or Mr. Wizard stops hating 3s, it’ll get a sick invitational with qualifiers and Japanese players. Might have to do something drastic like ban Chun or Chun SAII to get interest with most people though…

I think this ST tournament is being organised by players. 3s players just need to be more organised and less snobbish about not playing on 3soe i guess :stuck_out_tongue:

Bannin characters is fuckin gay, and why would you just ban chun? Why is yun getting a pass? If people need certain chars banned then they dont need to be playin.

Someone better stream those money matches if they happen. I need to laugh at the person who loses so I can feel superior.

You need to press more buttons with Yun.

ban Chun Yun Makoto Dudley and Ken

wait Urien put me in an unblockable before, that was bullshit. ban him too.

and man Yang. what an asshole. that guy’s gotta go.

rest of the cast A-OK, let’s have a 3s tournament

I’m not saying Chun should be banned because shes too good, just saying it would make more people interested.

If having a tourney without Chun would make more people play and a bigger event, thats a good thing right? But I guess nobody really wants to play 3s thats why more people entered melty blood than 3s at Final round :confused: and losing to Yun is probably more demoralizing than losing to Chun anyway.

I’d rather fight Chun than a lot of the other characters in the game honestly.

it really doesnt matter the st. invitational is gonna be full of O.Sagats anyways, he’s like the only character that give U.S a chance to compete…:lame:

That is really sad to hear :confused:

About 3s - yeah thats sad. Not about MB though, cause they definetely deserved it, cause of their great community, and their website

Yeah I don’t really know much about MB to be honest. But I remember 3s used to be the biggest game at Evo a few years ago.

evo is gay

09er mentality + 3rd Strike = CHUN IS OP THIS GAME SUCKS DICK.

yeah its a player run event, and iirc they are doing everything on arcade!

Why not soft-ban Chun? Any Chun player has to play with a horsehead.

this isnt KOF

is Nuki coming with anyone? i didnt read the article.

This might be an excuse to attend evo for the first time…

Ok, forget rivalries for a second, the draw (for me) to attend EVO this year is to meet some of you guys and other random players in person and play some good’ol unfettered 3s. To learn.
The main show (circus), the vegas strip and the possibility of some entertaining money matches are all bonus material.
Japan is just prohibitively expensive at this point but I have enough saved for this kind of trip… I think.

Anybody have an idea of the cost once you get there?
What was it like last year when there was still a bit of a buzz for 3soe?
Are there any h2h cabs close?