3rd Strike Online Thread

NNoooo youuu donnonnnn’t… pfffffffttt

I am building a callous on my thumb.

You’ll be the greatest pad player ever soon!

today I figured out that if you leave a match early on OE it counts as a loss for you. and since I leave a few games every night in round 1 because the connection is unplayable, that’s like, 3-5 losses a night that don’t even count.

do you guys realize what this means?? I’m really winning like 95% of my XBL matches, not 85%.

this is great news! I’m even better at playing randoms in ranked than I thought I was.

if ya’ll want my advice, pick Shin Sho Ryu always.

technically, since you are playing for leaderboard rankings for OE you are actually still only winning 85% of matches because you technically, just as technically as you are being for that first win percentage qualifier, are playing by the leaderboard ranking rules.

What I think you should do is play the shitty matches anyway so that all the guys on here can talk shit about your play. Then maybe you’ll be on my level. :slight_smile:

Shinsho Ryu mirrors are fun. I like picking bad/dumb/weird supers in mirror matches.

For some reason like 50% of the time someone picks Oro on me they go to SA1.

I’ve noticed the same thing, it’s sort of baffling. I guess it’s the easiest super to use without looking up how to use the other two properly, but then you get people who seem like they know what they’re doing who pick it…same goes for SA3 Alex, and Akuma. (although I usually get hit by Akuma’s SA3 on wakeup, because any time someone picks it I forget that they picked it…)

Yo, if anyone in Europe wants to play some sets, hit me up. I go by DSD128 on XBL and somethingorotheridontevenknowihavetocheck on PSN.
I’d rather not do PC GGPO since it’s really fickle with how it wants to work on my computer.

I used to log on to press buttons years ago and lost interest without ever really understanding the game. I feel like now I have a much better grasp at how to actually play so I’ve been messing around with 3s again.
I still love pressing buttons though, so I mostly use Chun.

i just find out that theres something going on with xbl and the arris tg862 router/modem combo, and I cant connect to xbl. … wtf noooooo :frowning: I need my xbl in my life. :frowning:

Lol hurry up and get back on there. A few pretty strong players are on these days but the rest is a bit sparse.

i might have to buy a new modem. .l.

I’m having a rough time of it too! just recently had to setup a new internet and am on wireless for now. can’t really connect to anyone in lobbies. xbl needs me in its life

No. Not at all.

I played him at super a few times

he not bad

the repeated jump roundhouses over bob are pretty funny.

Dyne at super? what? really?

Short guy with short black hair and really skinny yes??

not sure that i’ve ever seen him

how cool

He made Sanchez mad that night

Fuck dyne